Chapter 23 : The Homework

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My mom tells me the next day after school that Ni-ki's family is coming over for dinner, so I don't go out anywhere.

I spend the afternoon trying to do my homework until I give up because it's too hard. I end up scrolling on my phone for the rest of the time.

Finally, I hear a knock on my door.

"Hana? It's time to come down for dinner," my mom says as she opens the door.

"Ok. Coming," I say and head downstairs with her.

This is the first time we have had dinner with the Nishimuras since Jay left, so the table is going to feel way emptier than usual.

When they arrive, my mom opens the door for them and they all come sit down. Ni-ki still sits next to me, but now Ni-ki's mom and sisters are all across from us.

"Sorry it's been so long since we came over last. It's been kind of busy for us lately," Mrs. Nishimura says.

"That's okay! We're all busy at times. Let me go get the food from the kitchen and we can start eating," my mom says and goes to the kitchen.

"Did you finish the math homework for tonight?" I ask Ni-ki.

"Yeah, it was easy. Why?" He asks me.

"It doesn't make any sense. Last unit was easy but this one is so complicated," I explain.

"Hey Mom?" Ni-ki says. His mom looks up from her phone.


"Can we stay a little longer tonight so I can help Hana with her math homework?" He asks.

"Sure, that's fine. I'll get a chance to chat with Hana's mom then," she says and at that moment, my mom comes back in with the food.

She comes back in and tells us what dish she made. Today it's a Korean traditional dish instead of a Japanese one, so it's a different taste than usual.

When I finish eating, my arm hits Ni-ki's. He sets his fork down and I feel his hand go to my leg. I glance at him and he has a small smirk on his face while he pretends to just be finished eating.

I try to contain the blush, but it's a bit difficult, considering how shy I am about physical affection in front of other people. However lately, Ni-ki had been really bold with his actions and doesn't get flustered as easily. Maybe that just means he's warmed up to me.

"Hana, Ni-ki, how was dinner?" My mom asks. I break out of thought and look back at her.

"It was good," I say and Ni-ki compliments it too.

"So, how was last night? I never got a chance to ask you guys. Ni-ki went straight to his bedroom when we got home, so I never heard anything about it," Mrs. Nishimura asks us.

"Uh, it was good..." I say.

"Yeah, it was amazing," Ni-ki says.

"Oh, it was amazing? Okay," my mom smiles.

"Um, I'm going to bring our plates to the kitchen and grab the dessert out of the fridge," I say and stand up, trying to get out of this conversation as soon as possible.

"I'll help you," Ni-ki volunteers. I look at him confused and he gives me a "Go along with it" look.

I start picking up some plates and Ni-ki also grabs a few. We head into the kitchen and set them down in the sink. As I'm grabbing the dessert tray from the fridge, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I almost drop the dessert tray.

Looking back, I see Ni-ki with his head on my shoulder and his eyes closed.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. He's never been this attached before, so maybe something's wrong.

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