Chapter 18 : The Morning Of Jay's Departure

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It's been about a month and a half since my dad left and Jay's been preparing to leave for America. It's going to be so empty in our house now. Since my dad and Jay are both going to be gone. Just my mom and I will be left...

I wake up to my phone ringing. I answer it and it's Ni-ki.

"Good morning, sunshine," he says and smiles.

"Good... morning, Ni-ki. But why did you wake me up...?" I ask, mumbling.

"Well, you told me a month ago to wake you up today since Jay leaves today," he says and it clicks in my head. I stand up really quick and tell Ni-ki bye before going to get dressed for the day.

I walk out of my room and look down the hallway at Jay's room. His door is open and I walk in to see him packing various last minute items.

"Jay?" He looks up at me.

"Hana... hey," he says. "What's up?"

"When are you leaving?" I ask him.

"Uh, in about thirty minutes," he looks at his watch and answers.

I couldn't find any words to say what I wanted to say, so I just walked over to Jay and hugged him.

He stops packing and puts him arms around me.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I don't want you to go, Jay! Dad left already and I can't handle you leaving, too!" I cling onto Jay and some tears fall onto his shirt.

"I'm so sorry, Hana. I wish I didn't have to go so far away. I don't want to miss you. But it's not for that long. I mean, I'll still come home for big holidays. Like Dad will," he says.

"I... I know," I say.

"Call me, okay? Any time you want. I will always answer you. Unless I'm in class at that second," he laughs. I laugh too and hug him tightly one more time. "I love you, Hana. So much," he says.

"I love you too, Jay," I respond and wipe my tears away.

"Now, go wait on the couch or something while I finish packing," he jokes and I leave his room.

I wait for Jay to finish packing so I can go with him and my mom to the airport.

It isn't too long until Jay comes down the stairs with 3 suitcases and a backpack.

"Mom, I'm ready! We should probably get going so I don't miss my flight!" He says and my mom stands up from where she was sitting on the couch next to me.

"Ok, let's go then. Are you coming too, Hana?" She asks me.

"Yeah, just let me get my phone and I'll meet you out there," I say. She nods and they bring Jay's luggage outside while I run upstairs to grab my phone.

When I get back down, I hear my mom and Jay talking to someone but I can't quite make out the voice. I grab the house key off the key rack and go out, locking the door behind me. I'm surprised by who I see when I turn around.

"Ni-ki? What are you doing here?" I ask him as he runs to me with his arms out. He hugs me tightly.

"I came to say bye to Jay. And to make sure you were doing okay. I know how you've been struggling lately with you dad leaving and I wanted to make sure it wasn't going to get worse with Jay leaving," he says.

"Oh, thank you for checking up on me. But I'm okay, for now," I respond.

"That's good to hear. I'll go now, since you're leaving for the airport," he says. He gets close to my ear to whisper something to me. "I want to kiss you but I have a feeling your brother and mom are watching us..." I look over and sure enough, they're looking our way.

"Yeah, they are..." I say. "I'll meet up with you later today if you want," I tell him and he smiles, making me smile, too.

"That sounds like fun! Just text me when you're free!" He says and kisses my cheek. I feel my face get red because he's never kissed me in front of my family before. But it's a nice feeling, in a way. "Bye, Hana," he drops my hand and turns around.

"Ni-ki! Would you like to come with us to the airport? I thought it would only be right to ask you since you came all the way over here!" My mom says. Jay and I look at her, confused.

"Uh..." he looks back at me and then to my mom. "Sure! It'll be a fun road trip!"

"Ok, we have to get going now!" My mom says and gets in the driver's seat.

I walk forward and grab Ni-ki's hand and open the door for him to get in, but he brings me to the other side of the car and opens my door for me. I thought things like that only happened in movies... but apparently not if you're dating Nishimura Riki.

He closes my door and gets in the left side of the car himself.

"Buckle up!" My mom says cheerfully and we begin the way to the airport.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was a little short but the next one should be coming out soon too! Remember to comment and vote if you enjoyed and have a great day/night! <333)

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