Chapter 38 : The Sleepover

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I wait with Ni-ki outside of the school until my mom comes to pick me up. It isn't too long before I see her car pull up and the door opens.

I thought it would be my mom, but it's not.

Jay steps put of the car and closes the door behind him. He walks over to Ni-ki and I and Ni-ki drops my hand that he was holding.

"Where's Mom?" I ask. He breaks the glare he was giving to Ni-ki and looks at me.

"I volunteered to pick you up instead so she could prepare dinner. She's really excited that you're coming home so she's making a nice dinner and even invited the Nishimuras to join us," he says, half sarcastically.

"Oh... okay. We should get home then. My bag is right here," I say.

"I'll get it," Ni-ki picks it up and walks over to the car.

"No, I can carry it, you need to be ready for your mom to get here," I say.

"No, I got it," he says again.

"But Ni-ki-"

"Oh my gosh, just let him carry it for goodness sakes," Jay says and rolls his eyes, causing Ni-ki and I to laugh.

Ni-ki opens the door to the backseat and puts my suitcase in, then helps me in.

"Thank you," I say and smile.

"I..." he begins but stops right after he looks at Jay in the driver's seat of the car. "I'll see you later," he says and kisses my cheek.

"Bye," I say and he closes the door. I buckle up and Jay starts driving home. When he pulls into the driveway, I unbuckle and open the car door, grabbing my suitcase and closing the door behind me.

I rush inside and I smell dinner immediately. My mom must've heard the door open because she runs out of the kitchen and hugs me.

"Hana, you're home! And just in time, dinner will be ready soon!" She says. "I missed you," she says and hugs me tight.

"I missed you too, Mom." She pulls away from the hug and looks at me.

"You seem... happier. Did something happen over the trip?" She asks.

"Uh... no," I lie. I don't know how she can tell. She must have some kind of mind reading power or something.

"Okay. I'm so glad you're home, Hana. Your brother has been driving me crazy," she says and Jay gives her a side eye and she laughs. "How about you go upstairs and get unpacked and ready for dinner? We'll probably be eating soon," she says and hugs me one last time before running back to the kitchen and leaving me to unpack.

I go upstairs and open my bedroom door to see my room exactly how I left it. I unpack my clothes and put them into my dresser and hang some of the clothes up in my closet. As I'm hanging them up, I notice something on the closet floor that catches my eye. I bend down and pick the object up, revealing the stuffed animal Ni-ki got me at the arcade on our second month anniversary. I remember putting it in here so I wouldn't have to see it after Ni-ki and I fought, but I think I'm ready to take it back out and display it again. I set it back in the spot in the middle of my bed, where everyone that comes in can see it.

I finish unpacking and then take a quick shower and change into a white shirt with grey sweatpants. Just then, there is a knock at my door and I yell for them to come in. I am in the bathroom, having just finished brushing my hair when I feel a familiar set of arms wrap around my body and someone's head on my shoulder.

"Ni-ki?" I say and he mumbles something. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"No," he says, digging his head farther into my neck.

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