Chapter 15 : The Jealousy

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Sunoo's POV:

I go home right after school ends and rest a little before deciding to go out to the cafe. Hana has plans, so I decide to just go grab a drink by myself and spend some time alone.

I get out of my school clothes and put on a pair of jeans with a shirt and jacket.

It feels really nice today because it was a bit windy, but not too much. It was just right.

When I reach the cafe doors, I stop in my tracks. Through the window, I see Hana sitting at our table with none other than Ni-ki.

I feel my heart drop to my stomach. I don't know what they're saying, but I see Hana drinking a mint hot chocolate. I am about to walk away, feeling a little sick from what I just saw, when I see Hana go to the front counter and come back with a drink holder. Not wanting them to see me, I walk away and sit at one of the far tables outside and cover my face with the menu.

They walk out a second later and Ni-ki is carrying the drinks with his right hand and Hana's hand in his left.

I don't know what inside of me made me do this, but I follow them. All the way down a road until they reach a park. I wonder why Hana's never brought me here...

I stop a bit far away at a bench so they won't see me.

Hana runs excitedly and sits on the swing. She swings slightly for a minute, before stopping completely and looking down at the ground and she stays there.

I stand up from the bench to go see of she's okay, but I'm too late. Ni-ki is already on his way to sit on the swing next to her.

This should have been the moment where I leave. But I decided to stay, just in case she needs help. That is clearly the wrong decision, because he kisses her. Ni-ki kisses the girl I like, and I can see that she's happy because of him.

I don't understand it. Why couldn't I have made her this happy? Why did this guy from Japan have to come to Seoul? And most of all, why did I tell Mr. Kang that she speaks Japanese, causing her to partner up with him. I had absolutely ruined my chances of ever winning over Hana's heart.

Hana's POV:


Sunoo is quiet the whole class. He raises his hand a few times, but just to answer some questions on the board, then he goes back to his seat. Even the other students are noticing it. I'm getting worried, he never acts like this.

We go through our second class with him acting the same way.

When the lunch bell rings, I tell Ni-ki to go to the cafeteria and that I'll meet him in there. He nods and walks out of the classroom with the other students and the teacher.

"Sunoo," I say, walking up to his desk. He looks up at me for a second then looks away. I pull a chair up and sit down by his desk.

"What do you want?" He says, looking in the direction of the door to avoid eye contact with me.

"I just wanted to talk to you. If that's okay." He doesn't move. "Can you please look at me? It's a lot harder to communicate with someone when you aren't looking at them." He sighs lightly and turns his head to look at me.

"Yes?" He says.

"What's wrong? Why are you being so down?" I ask him.

"Nothing. I said I'm just tired," he responds and looks down at his desk.

"Sunoo, I know the difference between being sad and being tired." He looks back up at me. "You know that we've been friends for years, right? I'm here for you. For everything. And I want to help you, but I can't do that unless you tell me what the problem is," I say.

His eyes soften and he takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Hana..." he says and looks down to his lap. After a few seconds he looks back up to me and says, "I didn't tell you any of this because I didn't want to ruin your relationship with Ni-ki. I can tell how you feel about each other by the way you look each other in the eyes. And I'm happy for you, I really am. So I don't know why I feel like this. I... I don't know why I like you, Hana."

I sit there in shock for a minute, not really processing what Sunoo just told me.

"Sunoo, I had no idea that you felt this way..." I say quietly.

"I didn't know either... until I saw you two hanging out yesterday after school. And I was positive when I saw him..." Sunoo freezes up again. "When I saw him... when he kissed you,"  Sunoo says and I realize it all now.

The reason Sunoo was so nice to me all the time, how he protected me when others bullied me, and how he always makes sure to check up on me and spend time with me. Ari usually tagged along, but now I can see that it was all for me.

"Is our relationship ruined now, Hana?" He asks me with a single tear falling down his cheek.

"No, Sunoo. Of course not. You can't help having these feelings and I won't let them ruin our relationship," I tell him and hand him a tissue to wipe his tears.

"I... I wish I would've told you this earlier. Maybe I would've had a chance with you," he says and wipes the tear. "I want you to be happy with Ni-ki. I came too late, so you shouldn't have to stop dating Ni-ki for me. Please stay with him," he says.

"I will. Thank you for being so wonderful and supportive, Sunoo. You are an amazing person and you will definitely find someone who will give you the same feelings back," I say and hug him.

"So, are we still going to hang out this afternoon?" He asks me, his sunshine-y smile returning.

"Yeah, we are," I say and he smiles really big.

"We should go eat lunch before lunch ends," Sunoo says and we get up and go to the cafeteria where Ni-ki,  Jungwon, and Ari are waiting.

"Where were you guys?" Ari asked us when we sat down.

"I had to talk to Hana about something. Everything's fine now," he says and they all nod and go back to eating and playing games. Ni-ki leans over to me and whispers something in my ear.

"What were you talking about that made Sunoo happy again?" He asks.

"It was nothing. He was just having a bad day and I cheered him up."

"Okay." He says and we eat our lunch.

Ari asks, "Is something up with you two now? You're more touchy than usual..." she asks me and Ni-ki.

"No," we both say immediately.

"I'll talk to you later, Ari," I tell her and she realizes that it's something I don't want to say now at the lunch table. Jungwon doesn't even question us because he's so into a game he's playing on his phone.

The rest of lunch goes by with us talking amongst ourselves and we all head to our next classes.

(A/N : Thank you for reading and sticking around this long! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to vote if you did! I hope you have a great day/night!<3)

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