Chapter 14 : The Discovery

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I jolt awake when my alarm goes off. I am doing my normal routine and after I finish getting dressed, my mom comes in my bedroom.

"Hey Hana," she says and sits on my bed.

"Hey Mom," I say back while putting my earrings in. "Did you come in here to ask me something?"

"Actually, yes. I wanted to talk to you about what happened during dinner last night." That took me completely by surprise. I thought she would've forgotten all about this by now.

"Umm... okay, Mom. I'm listening," I say and sit down next to her on my bed.

"I wanted to first ask you if there is anything you would like to tell me."

"No, there's nothing," I tell her. I'm probably stuttering because I am a bit nervous.

"Okay... so after dinner ended and I was walking Ms. Nishimura out, I was talking to her and she mentioned how Ni-ki has... changed a bit recently. She says he has been going out more often and he's been a lot happier just around their house. I also realize that you've been going out more," she says. "I don't want to seem like I'm intruding on your personal life at all. But I did want to have a talk with you. As a friend and a role model, not as a mom," she tells me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Ms. Nishimura told me that the night you ran out of the house, you went to their house with Ni-ki. And lately, I've been noticing how you are around him. So I wanted to ask you, are you dating him?" I'm taken aback at the sudden question from my mom.

"Uh...I..." I try to find the right words to explain everything. Do I want to tell her? Maybe she'll understand and support me. Or maybe she'll make me break up with him.  I looks down at my shoes hanging down from my bed. "Yeah..." I say really quietly.

I feel my mom shift into a different position on my bed and grab my hand between hers.

"I knew this would happen eventually. I just didn't know it would be this early. Hana, I know that your father and I set the No Dating Rule for you until you're an adult, but I want you to know that I don't agree with it. Your father wanted to have that rule so he could protect you from anything bad happening." I look up to her. "I know that Ni-ki is a very nice boy and I know he was raised right because I know how his mom is. And I trust him to take care of you. So you don't have to hide that from me," she tells me.

"But... you're not mad?" I ask her.

"No, Hana. I would never be mad at you for something like this. Dating is a part of growing up. And I'm glad you chose a nice boy to date. I promise, I am not mad. I'll have a talk with your father and tell him about it when he comes back for a visit in a few weeks. He won't be mad at you either," she says.

"One more question... how did you know?" I ask, still clueless on how she discovered this.

"I'm your mom. I could tell because your body language around him changed. And whenever anyone mentioned you and him, you'd freeze up and blush. Also, Jay was the same way when he got his first girlfriend," she tells me.

"I had no idea I was being that obvious about it. And I'm sorry for hiding it from you. I really wanted to tell you, but I was scared you and Dad would make us break up and I don't ever want that to happen. I... I really like Ni-ki," I say.

"I can tell. From now on, you don't have to hide going out with him anymore. Just tell me and I'll even give you some money sometimes to do stuff with him. Like to go to an amusement park or something like that. Me and your father went to amusement parks all the time when we were dating," she says and smiles. Then she hugs me.

"Thanks so much, Mom. And you said I can have some money?" I laugh.

"Get ready for school. You're going to be late if you don't get going." She hits my arm lightly and leaves the room.

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