Chapter 8 : The First Date

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(A/N : Disclaimer before the actual romance starts. I've never done any of this myself, so it's based off of romance books and movies, so it's probably very cliche. Hope you have fun reading though!)

I walk down the stairs to find my mom sitting on the couch watching a drama with my dad. I go up to the couch and hope they won't get mad if I disturb them.

"Mom, can I go to the library?" I ask. She pauses the show and looks at me.

"To study?" She asks me. "Yes, that's fine. Just be back in time for dinner." Then they go back to watching their show. It was surprisingly easy to get her to say yes. Then again, she doesn't know that I'm meeting Ni-ki, only that I'm going to the library. I'm not lying, just... hiding some information.

I walk back up to my room to grab my bag and text Ni-ki back.


Hana : she said I can go. Do you want to go now?

Ni-ki :yes, I'm ready

Hana : see you soon then :)

•end of texting•

I walk down the stairs and tell my parents I'm leaving and they say bye. I walk outside and start walking down my street to Ni-ki's house. He doesn't live on my street, but he lives on one of the streets near me. It takes me about ten minutes until I can see his house.

He stands outside next to his mailbox again, looking at his phone. Today he's wearing black jeans with a dark gray sweater tucked in over a black shirt. He has really good fashion, and he always wears the nicest clothes.

 He has really good fashion, and he always wears the nicest clothes

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(A/N : This is what I based the outfit off of by the way :) )

When I get there, he looks up at me and greets me.

"Hi," I say back.

"So, where's the library you are talking about?" He asks.

"It's down the road past the cafe," I tell him and point in the direction I'm talking about.

"Do you want to pick up a drink on our way there? Since we're going in that direction anyways?" He asks me.

"Sure," I say and we start walking. "I really like my necklace by the way. It adds something interesting to my outfit."

"You're welcome... please wear it every day. I like seeing you with it on," he says and l blush a little.

"Okay, I will. You looks really nice today." I say, taking this chance to compliment his outfit and he looks down at his feet, blushing.

"Thank you..."

We walk for a little longer and reach the cafe. I stop before we walk in.

"What's wrong?" Ni-ki asks.

"Jay works in the cafe during the day and I don't want him to see us together. He already thinks there's something going on between us and he threatened to tell my mom. Then we won't be able to hang out together,  even as friends," I explain. He looks over at me.

"I'll go in and order our drinks and you can stay here. What do you want to get?" He asks.

"Uh... a hot chocolate please. Let me get out some money to pay for it," I say and reach into my bag.

"No, don't worry about it. I'll pay."

"I can't just let you pay for my drink. You already spent a lot of money on my necklace." I open my wallet.

"I'll pay this time and if it makes you feel better, you can pay next time. Deal?" He asks.

I think about it for a moment. I don't want to rely on him for that much, but he really wants to. And this kind of stuff comes with dating someone, right? In the end I agree and say, "Deal."

He smiles and walks into the cafe. I wait for a few minutes on my phone and he comes back out with 2 drinks and a bag.

"Here's your hot chocolate and I got myself one as well. And here is a muffin. I figured you were hungry because we missed lunch."

"Oh. Thank you," I say and take my drink. We continue walking past the cafe to the library.

We can't have food inside the library, so we sit at one of the tables outside. It feels really good outside today. Not too hot and there's a breeze going through the town.

"Do you want to go ahead and study? Since we're at the library and we have a math test Wednesday," I say and open my bag to get out my math binder.

"Yeah, we should probably study." Ni-ki gets his binder out too.

We spend about an hour and a half studying and talking. We finish our drinks and eat the muffin.

"Thank you for coming out with me. It's a nice change from sitting in my room all day," Ni-ki thanks me.

"I'm glad you told me how you feel, otherwise we wouldn't be doing this right now," I say.

"It's starting to get dark outside, should we go ahead and head home?" Ni-ki asks me.

I look at the street and see that the streetlights are turning on, so we probably should head home soon.

"Yeah, let's go." We pack our stuff up and begin our walk home. Jay is probably already home so we don't have to be super careful when walking outside the cafe.

After we pass by the cafe and are walking down the road to Ni-ki's house, I feel Ni-ki's hand hit mine. I assume it was probably just an accident, so I ignore it and continue walking. But it happens again, and again, and again. I feel like he may be trying to hold my hand, but I'm not sure so I just try my best to ignore the feeling. It would be pretty embarrassing if I grabbed his hand when that wasn't what he was trying to do.

When we get to his house, he says bye and that he'll be looking forward to seeing me tomorrow during school. And then I walk home.

I expect to see Jay standing by the door like usual, but he isn't. In fact, I don't see anyone from the doorway to my house.

(A/N : This chapter was a bit short, but it is uploaded a bit earlier than I usually upload them. So I hope you enjoyed it and please tell me if I'm making their relationship go too fast or too slow. And don't forget to vote if you enjoyed! Have a nice day or night, wherever you are! <333 )

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