Chapter 33 : The Trip Part 4

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I wake up in the morning to an alarm. I don't remember setting mine, so it must be one of the other girls' alarms.

Sure enough, I hear someone stand up a second later and go into the bathroom.

I stay still because I'm still half asleep, not wanting to get up. Eventually, I'm forced to get up by Ari, who won't stop moving around. She ends up hitting me in the nose with her hand, so I just get up and go lay on the couch in the living room.

I don't know why I thought I would be able to sleep in the living room with the sound of people moving around, the TV playing a random show, and talking. And in my room, Bahiyyih and Yena are talking and putting makeup on, so that's not a possible place to sleep in either.

"I give up," I say and stand up.

"What's wrong?" Jungwon asked, pausing the show.

"I was trying to sleep but everywhere I go to sleep, I get woken up. So I guess this is a sign from the universe to wake up," I say and he laughs.

"You can go sleep in our room. Sunoo and I are awake, so you can go sleep in one of our spots," he offers. I was going to say no, but thinking about getting more sleep sounds really nice, so I accept his offer and walk into their room.

Jungwon and Sunoo are up, meaning there's a spot in each of the beds that is open. A spot by Ni-ki and a spot by Heeseung.

I decide to sleep next to Ni-ki, mainly because I don't know Heeseung very well and I don't feel super comfortable around him. Ni-ki and I may not be on good terms right now, but he shouldn't mind me sleeping in the bed next to him as long as I stay on my side. I fall asleep in no time.

I am woken up a bit later when I feel an arm on my waist and breathing by my neck. I freeze, not knowing what to do. I turn around and see Ni-ki sleeping right next to me. Why is Ni-ki's arm around me? I thought he was mad at me?

I try to move his arm and stand up, but he moves a little bit and his arm grips my waist tighter. The only thing left for me to do is wake him up.

"Ni-ki..." I say quietly. He stays still. "Ni-ki," I say again, a little louder this time. His eyes open a little and when he realizes what's happening, he lets go of me and jumps out of the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't-"

"Ni-ki, can I talk to you?" I say before he can finish his sentence.

"Um... okay..." we walk into the living room and everyone is out there. They all turn to look at us and I see Ari raise her eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and take Ni-ki out into the hallway to talk to him.

"Uh... I'm sorry. About what I said yesterday," I tell him. He avoids my eye contact by looking at the floor, as he has been doing a lot lately.

"It's fine. I deserved every word of it," he says quietly.

"No, Ni-ki, you didn't deserve any of what I said. Don't think that. I just got upset, that's all."

"Hana, what I did to you was unacceptable. I can never forgive myself for it. You shouldn't either," he says and looks at me. "I'm going to-"

"No, Ni-ki, stop. Please, don't leave me again," I say. He stops and his expression softens. He begins to look like what he did when we were together. All that's missing is his smile. "I never had a chance to explain what happened that day... you just blew up and left. Ari and I went to the cafe to meet Sunoo and Ari went to the bathroom. While she was in the bathroom, Heeseung came up to me and flirted with me and wouldn't leave me alone until Sunoo showed up and told him to go away. Those pictures were taken at the worst possible moment. Please believe me when I say I didn't initiate any of that," I explain to him.

"I know... Sunghoon told me."

"Sunghoon?" I ask, surprised. "Sunghoon talked to you?"

"Yes. He came up to me a few days after because he didn't see us hanging out at the cafe anymore. He told me everything and I felt horrible. I just... I was so hurt," he says. "Everything was so overwhelming, I just lost control of my actions. I didn't know what to do. I saw the pictures online and what normally would be a little bit of jealousy just became... more than that."

"What do you mean by 'everything was so overwhelming'?" I ask him and I feel a tear drop onto our hands.

"My grandmother called me the other day and was talking about... my dad. She said that she had some of his old things that I may want. But all it did was remind me of was all the memories I had with him before... before he died last year," he says and more tears slide down his face. He leans down and lays his head on my shoulder, crying softly.

"I had no idea that you were dealing with that, Ni-ki... why didn't you tell me?" I ask him.

"Because I didn't want to worry you... I didn't want to dump my problems on you, Hana. I want you to stay happy and never get hurt," he mumbles.

"It hurts when I see you hurt. I told you that I'm here for you, no matter what. I want to be the person there for you when you need someone. I never want you to feel alone when you're dealing with your problems," I hug him as he cries into my neck. After a few minutes, he stands back up straight and looks at me. "Let's go inside and get you some tissues. We can talk more there if you want..." he nods and we open the door.

"Go! Ow, Ari, run!" I hear someone whisper yell.

When I open the door fully, I see Ari, Sunoo, and Jungwon trying to run away from the door. Sunoo is laying on the floor like he just fell over.

"What are you doing?" I ask and they stop in their tracks, looking back at me and Ni-ki.

"I told you to run faster!" Sunoo yells.

"Well, you shouldn't have tripped!" Ari yells back.

"I wouldn't have tripped if you would've run away like you were supposed to!"

"Guys, stop arguing. Ni-ki, come with me," I say and pull him into my room and close the door behind us.

(A/N : I hope this made up for the enormous amounts of heartbreak that you have been suffering from recently. I hope you enjoyed this and have an amazing day/night! <3)

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