Chapter 44 : The Dinner

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(A/N : Yes, I know there has already been a chapter called The Dinner but I couldn't think of any other titles so if you think of a good one, please tell me :)) thank you and I hope you all enjoy this chapter! <3 )

We walk inside, closing the door behind us. Ni-ki removes his jacket and I hang it on the coat hanger in the entrance hallway. I hold the roses that Ni-ki gave me as I enter the kitchen. My parents turn their heads towards us when we walk in.

"Ni-ki, you're here. Dinner is almost ready. You guys can go ahead and sit at the table to wait. Oh! Did you get Hana those roses?" My mom asks Ni-ki. He smiles and nods.

"Yeah, I bought it before I came here. I didn't get her flowers earlier so I figured I'd get them now," he explains.

"Aw, that's sweet. I'm sure she loves them. Here, Hana, come get this vase and put them in water." She points to the vase on the top of the cabinet.

"I'll get it for you," Ni-ki says and reaches up. He can just reach it without a step stool. "Here." He hands it to me.

"I'm going to go put it in my bedroom, Mom. I'll be back down in a minute," I tell her.

"Okay, don't take too long!"

I walk upstairs and go into my bathroom to fill the vase up with water. As the water is filling the vase, I hear Ni-ki say something from my room.

I turn the water off and look at him, seeing him laying facedown on my bed.

"What did you say, Ni-ki?" He lifts his head off the bed as I put the roses in the vase and position it on my dresser.

"I said your bed is comfortable," he mumbles.

"I know. But we have to go down to eat. Come on," I say, pulling him up by his arm.

"No, I don't want to. I'm tired," he says. He closes his eyes and pretends to be sleeping, playfully snoring.

"Oh well. I guess I'll just eat your food too. More for me-"

"No! I'll get up. Under one condition," he tells me.

"And what is your condition?" I question him, sitting on the end of my bed.

"I want a hug."

"Th-that's all?" I respond, surprised at his strange offer.

"Yes, that's all," he tells me.

"Okay." I hold my arms open and he smiles, scooting close to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He sits up, allowing him to nuzzle his head into my neck.

All of a sudden, there's a knock at my bedroom door.

"Hana, Ni-ki, the food's ready," I hear my dad's voice. We stand up and open the door. "Oh, that was quick. How do the flowers look?" My dad asks. I turn around and point to where they're sitting on my dresser. "They're nice! Made your bedroom ten times nicer," he laughs. "All right, let's go eat now."

I allow Ni-ki to walk out of my room and then close the door behind us. We go straight down to the dining room table where my mom is sitting, waiting for us. We take our seats and my mom serves us some food.

"Enjoy! We made extra today so you can have as much as you want!" She exclaims, smiling and sitting back down.

"Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Park for inviting me for dinner," Ni-ki says, bowing his head in my parent's direction. My dad is sitting in front of me today instead of at the end of the table like usual so he can be closer to us.

"Of course, Ni-ki. I want to get to get to know my daughter's boyfriend better. Since you'll probably be around a lot," my dad says.

I smile secretly, glad to see my dad making an effort to get to know Ni-ki better.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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