Chapter 4 : The Bribe

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I opened the door to my house only to see Jay sitting on a chair in the entryway. He is on his phone and when I open the door, he looks up immediately, as if he was waiting for me.

"Hey Jay, what are you doing by the front door?" I ask him. He stands up and puts his phone in his pocket and stares at me. I hear mom cooking the meat she was cutting earlier in the kitchen. It smells really good and I'm hungry because I haven't eaten since lunch today.

"Who's the boy? I know there's no way that my little sister, knowing Mom's rules about dating, would willingly pair up with a boy for a project. So, you better spill the tea or I'll find out myself. And that may or may not include telling Mom," he threatens.

"But it actually is for a project. I have nothing else to spill. No tea is in my cup right now, Jay." I can tell by how he looks at me that he doesn't believe me. "Do you want to see our project? I have it in my bag." I take my bag off my back and open it, ready to pull out the papers we worked on today.

"No, I don't think that's necessary," he says.

"Then what do you want from me to keep you from telling Mom about him?" I ask, annoyed.

"Hmm... well, you could be my assistant whenever I need help with something... You could take over some of my shifts at work... Or you could give me foot massages every night for a week. What do you think?" Jay says. Of course he thinks of things either physically can't do or hate doing.

"Jay! All of that is stupid! Come up with something more... doable. And less disgusting." I cringe at the thought of ever having to touch Jay's feet. I honestly don't even know if he washes his feet.

"Oh well then... I guess I'm just going to have to inform Mom of your little escapades..." Jay says and turns around to begin his walk to the kitchen.

"No, please! Give me a better option and I will do it! I swear!" I grab onto his shirt to stop him from walking any farther.

"Okay. When you get a job this summer, you have to buy me three clothing items of my choice," Jay says. As much as I don't want to waste my money on Jay, it's better than getting in trouble with my parents about Ni-ki. Especially since I know that I want to spend a lot more time with him in the future.

"Fine. But they can't be outrageously expensive. At least let them be moderately priced since I would like some money for myself too," I respond.

"Deal," he says and shakes my hand, sealing the promise.

I go up the stairs to my bedroom to get ready for dinner, while I see Jay head to the table to wait. I put up my bookbag and pull up my hair into a bun to keep it out of my face. As I am washing my hands, I hear my mom call me down for dinner.

"Hana! Dinner's ready!" I go down to eat dinner and see my whole family sitting waiting for me.

"Sorry for taking so long. What are we eating tonight?" I ask my mom.

"We are eating a special dish called Dorai Kare, It's a Japanese dish that your dad suggested we make for our guests tonight," my mom answers.

"Guests?" I ask confused.

"Yes, one of me and your fathers' old friends moved here and we invited her and her family here for a welcome dinner," she says. Before I have a chance to ask another question, the doorbell rings.

"Oh, that must be them now," my dad says and walks to the door. I hear the door open and hear several voices greet my dad. One of them sounds kind of familiar, yet I can't quite put my finger on why.

I hear footsteps go through the entryway and I watch as I see the people turn the corner to our dining room, and that's when I see his face.

(A/N : Sorry this chapter is so short. I wanted to separate the two topics into two different chapters. The next chapter should be up immediately after this one is! I hope you enjoy them and don't forget to vote if you like it!)

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