Chapter 5 : The Guests

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"Ni-ki?" I say, surprised. He looks at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"You two know each other already?" My mom asked.

"Uh, no. I said... Vicky. I forgot to give Vicky her notes back. I'll just have to do it tomorrow," I say. I have to make sure that they don't find out I know about Ni-ki. It'll bring up too many questions and mess up everything.

"Uh, okay," my dad says. "Come sit." He gestures toward our table and Ni-ki's mom and two sisters walk to us.

My parents sit at the ends, while Jay and I sit across from each other on the side by my mom. Who I am assuming is Ni-ki's mom sits with the youngest girl by my dad, leaving Ni-ki and his other sister to sit in the two chairs by me.

 Who I am assuming is Ni-ki's mom sits with the youngest girl by my dad, leaving Ni-ki and his other sister to sit in the two chairs by me

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(A/N : Here's an idea of how the table is set up, just to make sure that you understood it completely. Hope you're enjoying it!)

"Wow, this Dorai Kare looks amazing! Thank you so much for inviting us!" Ni-ki's mom says to my parents.

"It's our pleasure! It's the least we could do to welcome you to Seoul!" My mom says.

I look in front of me and see Jay look at me, then to Ni-ki and back to me. I can tell he recognized him from the café earlier. I give him a sharp look telling him to not say anything and he smirks. If he says anything at all, he's not getting those clothes.

"It's been so long since we've seen each other that I've only met Jay when he was a baby! And now you have another one! She looks so sweet," Ni-ki's mom says while looking at me.

"Yes, it's been at least 18 years, hasn't it? Time really does fly when you're raising kids," my dad says.

"So this is Konon," she points to the girl sitting by Ni-ki. "This is Sola," she says and puts her hand on the young girl next to her. "And finally, this is Ni-ki."

"Ni-ki's a real handsome one, isn't he? And Konon and Sola are beautiful! They must take after their mom," my mom says. Ni-ki's mom laughs and agrees with my mom's statement.

"Oh, this is Jay and Hana," my parents introduce us. "Jay's already graduated and he works at the café down the road and Hana is a Junior in high school." (Which is 11th grade if you didn't know)

"We should start eating now before the food gets cold!" My mom says and we all start eating the wonderful food my mom prepared for us.

Our parents talk amongst themselves, but all of the kids stay practically silent since we don't know each other very well yet.

Ni-ki stays extremely still while he's sitting next to me. He only moves his hand to eat and drink. I notice he is left handed because he eats with his left hand. Since he is left handed and I'm right handed, our elbows keep bumping together, and I feel his muscles tense up every time it happens.

After we all finish eating the meal, my mom goes into the kitchen and comes out with a silver tray with small bowls of Anmitsu on it.

Anmitsu is basically a bowl of fresh fruits and agar jelly cubes. I've only has it a few times in my life, one of them being when Jay graduated high school and the others being on some of my parent's anniversaries. It's a rare dish for my parents to make.

(A/N : I am not Japanese, so of any information I give out is wrong, I am very sorry. I just looked all this up on Google. Enjoy! :))

The dessert part of the meal was just as awkward. Ni-ki and I haven't even acknowledged each other.

"How old is Hana? 11th grade, right?" I hear Ni-ki's mom ask.

"Yes. How old is Ni-ki?" My mom asks.

"Oh, Ni-ki is the same age as Hana then. How about they get to know each other? It would be nice to keep our families together even after we're gone," Ni-ki's mom says.

Everyone looks over at us. Ni-ki looks to me and then looks at his mom.

"He's a little shy. He'll warm up to everyone eventually," his mom says and they move on to another topic.

The rest of the dinner is just the adults talking about this and that, and catching up on random things. I pull out my phone and plan to text Ni-ki while we have to wait for dinner to end.


Hana : I didn't know we had guests tonight. My mom didn't tell me anything about this.

Ni-ki : My mom told me when I got home from school that we were going somewhere for dinner but I had no idea that we were coming to your house.

Hana : I'm glad that I got to see you again though :)

Ni-ki : Me too :) and btw, Jay has been giving me weird looks throughout the whole dinner... did I do something wrong?

Hana : no, he's just way too overprotective. He thinks there's something more than a project going on between us. I told him there's nothing but he doesn't believe me

Ni-ki : I'll remember to stay at least 10 feet away from you whenever we're around jay, just to be safe

Hana : ok haha. That's probably the smartest thing to do. I'll see you at school tomorrow

Ni-ki : you too :))

•end of texting•

(A/N : Please tell me if the texting sections are set up so you can read them easily. If not, how can I do it better?)

I don't know how to describe it, but it makes me very happy talking to Ni-ki. So happy that I end up smiling looking at his texts. Jay looks at me confused, but I'm not telling him why this time. If he asks, I was watching a funny video or something.

After probably about half an hour, Ni-ki's family gets up and start to leave and they say their final goodbyes.

"So, they're nice, right?" My dad asks me and Jay.

"Yeah, they're okay..." Jay says.

"I talked to them about inviting them over at least once a week. It'll help give us a reason to eat Japanese food. What do you guys think?" My dad asks.

"Yeah. That sounds good. I like having Japanese food after so long of eating Korean food. It's a nice change," I say.

"Are you sure that's the only reason, Hana?" Jay asks me.

"Yes. Yes it is." I give him a death stare again.

"Uh.. okay then. Maybe you guys should head upstairs and get ready for bed," Mom tells me.

I look at the time and see that it is 8:30. I go upstairs and take a shower since I ran out of time to shower last night. My shower takes only fifteen minutes and I get straight to doing my homework. Luckily, we had some time to do it in class today so I don't have too much left.

After finishing my homework, I set my alarm and go straight to sleep.

(A/N : I separated chapters 4 and 5 from each other because I felt like it was better, but they're still the same in a way so that's why I uploaded them at the same time. Please remember to vote if you enjoyed and give me feedback on if you like the story so far!! I hope your day is going amazing! Also, I heard there's supposed to be a new ENHYPEN album soon, so I'm excited!)

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