Chapter 13 : The Date (Part 2)

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We begin the walk down the road towards the park, hand in hand.

Once the park comes into view, a whole bunch of memories are brought back of when Jay and I were young and first moved here.

I let go of Ni-ki's hand in excitement and run to the swing set that I remember from years back. One specific memory pops into my head when I reach it.


I hold onto my mom's finger as we walk down the road. Soon, a huge park comes into view. Swing sets, slides, a whole jungle gym, and even a giant sandbox. There was also a giant covered area with picnic tables and benches spread around the park areas.

I let go of my mom's hand and run straight to the swing set. I try to get into the swing, but I'm too short to get on by myself. Jay comes over to help me get on the swing, then gets on the one next to me.

"Don't swing too high, Hana! You could get hurt!" I hear my mom call from one of the benches where she's sitting with my dad.
She doesn't know what she's talking about, I won't get hurt.

Jay and I, being the kids we are, decide to have a contest to see who can swing the highest. My parents are talking to each other about stuff on their phones so they're not completely paying attention to us.

I had a good start for the contest, but Jay catches up quickly. He eventually passes me up and leaves me behind. But I have to win. So I swing faster and faster and faster, making me get higher each time I swing my legs.

I don't even completely know how it happened, to be honest. I was just swinging, and then the next second I was on the ground.

All I can remember was hearing Jay yell my name, then hearing my mom and dad run over to me, also calling for me.

The next thing I remember is a beeping sound. It plays in a pattern of one beep, then a second of silence, then a beep, and another second of silence.

It's cold... I think. I wish I had something to cover up my arms.

Then I open my eyes to a bright light. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust, then I can see the whole room around me.

It's a hospital. I recognize this room from TV shows.

Of course, I get scared and paranoid. I was thinking, what if I'm sick? Or dying?

I hear a door open and someone walks into the room, shocked to see I'm awake. She walks out of the room for a second and then comes back in with my parents and Jay.

"Hana! You're awake!" My mom says and she grabs my hand.

"Hana!! Are you okay??" Jay yells. I nod.

"Yes, but I can't feel anything below my shoulders. And I can't move my-" I look down at my legs to see one of them propped up and in a cast. "What happened to me?" I ask.

"It's okay, your body is just numb. You'll be able to feel it soon," the lady in the white outfit says. I assume she is the doctor or nurse taking care of me.

"You flew off the swing when we were at the park and passed out. We had to take you to the hospital and they had to out you in a cast," my dad explains to me.

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