Chapter 19 : The Airport

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My mom puts music on for the ride and she sings while she drives. Jay and I don't know this music because it's the kind of music my mom listened to when she was growing up.

Meanwhile, Jay is just sitting in the passenger seat on his phone and looks back at us every once in a while.

Ni-ki texts someone on his phone and I watch the trees pass through the window.

The first 20 minutes of the car ride are quiet aside from my mom's singing.

Ni-ki elbows me and I look over at him. He shows me his phone and I see that his phone is on our messages screen.

I open my phone and see a message from him.


Ni-ki : you ok? You look sad...

Hana : just thinking about what its going to be like when Jay isn't here anymore.

Ni-ki : Don't dwell on it too much. You'll be okay. I'm here if you ever need anything. I won't ever leave you

•end of texting•

I smile seeing him say this and I feel him put his hand on my leg. I look at him and put my hand on his.

"Thank you," I mouth to him and he smiles in response.

The song changes to a more upbeat song, one that I know I've heard before but don't know the lyrics to.

"Ooh, I love this song!" My mom says and sings louder than before. "Come on Jay, I know you know this one!" She nudges him and he smiles. "Sing with me, Jay!"

He starts singing with her under his breath.

"Hana, you probably aren't too familiar with it. I played it for Jay a lot but not much with you. Ni-ki, do you know it?" She asks and looks at us for a second through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, my mom loves this song! It was her favorite to play when we would have clean up days on the weekends," he says, still holding my hand in his.

Jay looks back at us and sees our hands, but before he could open his mouth and say anything, my mom said something to him. He turned back around without saying anything.

Ni-ki hums and nods along to the song while looking out the window. I giggle seeing how cute he is.

My mom and Jay talk about various topics until we reach the airport. My mom parks the car and we get out.

"Hana, Ni-ki, can you get Jay's luggage out of the trunk while Jay and I find the ticket and figure out where we're supposed to go?" My mom asks me.

"Yes, mom," I said and we head back to the trunk of the car. We get all three of Jay's bags out and his backpack. Ni-ki puts the bag on his back and pulls two of the suitcases, leaving me with one.

"Ni-ki, I can pull another suitcase. You have the backpack," I say and reach to get a suitcase out of his hands.

"No, I got it. You just pull that one," he says.

"You're going to hurt your back. Give it to me," I say and reach again.

"No. If you want it, you have to beat me at a game," he says.

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