Chapter 31 : The Trip Part 2

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We meet the other classes outside next to the 6 buses that we'll be separated onto.

There are 4 other classes with us today and I know about half of them or so.

"Okay, listen up," Mr. Kang says to all the classes standing out here. "Please gather with your groups. You'll sit on one of the buses but you need to be on the same bus as the rest of your group so it's easy to make sure everyone is here."

The students shuffle around and I stay standing next to Ari and Sunoo. Ni-ki stands next to me, but with about two feet of space between us. Yena comes running over and stands by Sunoo. Jungwon also comes over here but with some other people behind him. The girl behind Jungwon has long blonde hair and she looks really sweet. And the guy is the guy from the cafe. That must be Heeseung, as Ni-ki told me.

"I'm lucky that I got into the same group as you guys," Jungwon says and then turns around to point at the people behind him. "This is Bahiyyih," he says, pointing to the blonde girl, "and this is Heeseung," he says, pointing to the guy.

"Hi," Bahiyyih says nervously and smiles.

"Hey," Heeseung says, avoiding eye contact with me.

Sunoo moves to my side while still holding Yena's hand and puts his arm by my back. Sunoo is the only one here who knows what happened besides Ni-ki.

I look at Ni-ki and see him staring at Heeseung. He looks like he wants to hit him, but he's holding back.

Mr. Kang then separates us onto the buses and I sit next to Ari. Jungwon ends up sitting next to Ni-ki right in front of us. Sunoo and Yena sit together and Heeseung and Bahiyyih sit together. There are also some other people on the bus from other groups.

After we are loaded onto the bus, Mr. Kang gets on and sits in the front. He checks and makes sure we have everyone and then the bus finally starts driving.

The bus ride lasts 3 hours, just like Mr. Kang told us on Monday. It's really quiet the whole way there, which I thought was really weird until I realized it's because everyone was so tired so they fell asleep. Ari was sleeping with her head on my shoulder just like she said she was going to. I find myself falling asleep after a while and my head falls on top of Ari's.

"Hana... Hana, wake up..." I hear someone call me.

My eyes open slightly and I see Sunoo poking me and trying to wake me up.

"Oh, you're awake," he says once he sees my eyes open. I look at Ari and she's still sleeping so I nudge her shoulder and she gets up too. "We're here, Ari!" Sunoo says and she shoots up out of her chair and pushes past me and runs off the bus.

"That nap provided her with lots of energy. Jungwon's going to have a fun time dealing with that," Sunoo says and laughs.

Sunoo and I walk off the bus and join the rest of the students in front of the hotel entrance.

"Okay, students," one of the other teachers, Mr. Choi says. "Settle down so Mr. Kang can explain the room arrangements." Everyone goes silent. The students always listen to Mr. Choi because he's a really nice and laid back teacher. He also has really cute dimples that make all the girls in his class swoon for him.

(Guess who Mr. Choi is😏😏)

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Choi. Now, the room arrangements," Mr. Kang says and flips through the book he has in his hand. "Okay, you'll all be staying in the room with your group to make it easier to find your groups in the morning. The sleeping arrangements are up to you, but no funny business or there will be students removed from rooms and isolated," Mr. Kang says and looks around at us to show that he's serious. A few students laugh and he continues.

"Group 1 will be in room 121, Group 2 in 122... and finally, group 10 will be in room 225. All of the teachers and staff members will be split between room 110 and 220 if you need us. Meet in the lobby in an hour. You can now go inside," he finishes and gives us the keys to our rooms and we enter the hotel. It's not hard to find our room because of the room number. We find our room and enter it. There's a nice living room with a giant TV and two couches. The kitchen is small, with just a fridge, a coffee maker, a microwave, and cabinets. We probably won't be spending much time in the hotel though, so it's not a big deal.

There's two bedrooms, each with a connecting bathroom and two double beds. Mr. Kang told us that we can decide where we're going to sleep, so I guess we'll decide that as a group in a minute.

"So, where does everyone want to sleep?" Heeseung speaks up.

"Uh, I'll sleep with Bahi," Yena says. Sunoo looks at her and pouts slightly.

"You don't want to sleep with me..." he asks cutely.

"I would but Bahiyyih doesn't know Heeseung very well so she asked me to sleep with her," she says.

"Okay..." Sunoo says.

"Do you want to sleep with Ni-ki?" Ari asks me. Everyone looks in our direction.

"Uh... well, I-" I am cut off by someone.

"I'll sleep with Sunoo," Ni-ki says quietly and puts his suitcase on one of the beds.

"I guess you'll sleep with me then..." Ari says. "That leaves Heeseung and Jungwon together. Is that all right with you guys?" Ari asks them.

"Yeah, that's fine. I don't mind," Jungwon says and Heeseung nods.

Ni-ki, Sunoo, Heeseung, and Jungwon sleep in one of the rooms and I sleep in the other room with Ari, Yena, and Bahiyyih. I'm not super familiar with Yena and Bahiyyih, so I guess this will give me a chance to get to know them better.

I go in the room with the rest of the girls and we unpack our bags into the drawers available.

"So, you're Yena, right?" Ari asks as she sits on one of the beds.

"Yes, and you're Ari," Yena says and smiles.

"I've heard so much about you. Sunoo talks about how cute you are all the time," Ari says. Yena blushes and laughs.

"Sunoo talks about Hana a lot, too," she says and points in my direction. I turn around and look at them confused. Why would Sunoo talk about me to his girlfriend?

"Why me?" I ask.

"I don't know. A lot of the time, we're just hanging out and he brings you up when something reminds him of you," she explains to me.

"Oh..." I say and look at the floor. Just then, there's a knock on the bedroom door. The door opens slightly and Heeseung sticks his head in.

"Uh... it's time to go to the lobby," he says. We walk out of the bedroom and leave the hotel room after the guys, walking to get on the elevator and go downstairs.

We meet one of the other groups at the elevator and get on with them. My groups stays to the right side and the other group is on the left side of the elevator.

I can't hear what they're saying, but they glance in my direction and start whispering in each other's ears. They laugh quietly and a tense feeling clouds the air. Finally, the elevator doors open and we all walk out, joining the rest of the groups in the front lobby.

"Finally, you're here. A few minutes early though, so at least you're punctual," Mr. Kang says. "So for the rest of the day, we're going to begin exploring an amusement park that's about half an hour from here. We'll get on the buses and we'll be there in no time. Does everyone have everything they need?"

"Yes," we say together.

"Okay, let's go then," he says and we walk out, getting on the same buses that we were on just an hour ago, heading to the amusement park.

(A/N : Kind of just a filler chapter, but I hope it was enjoyable anyways. I don't have much to say in this either, so have an amazing day/night! <3)

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