Chapter 25 : The Secret

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"Hana," I hear someone call my name faintly. "Hana..."

I open my eyes and it's really bright. The sun is shining right in my face, so I have to squint to see. Suddenly, the light is covered by someone's hand, and I see Ni-ki laying next to me. What happened last night hit me just now and I remember that Ari is still downstairs on the couch.

"Good morning," he smiles and kisses my forehead lightly.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" I ask him and he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Really good. Did I make you uncomfortable at all?" He asks worriedly.

"No, you didn't. I slept good also," I respond. I stretch my arms and look at my phone. It's 9 in the morning, so my mom will come home soon from her meeting. "We should probably get up. My mom will be home soon," I tell him. I sit up and move the blanket off me.

"No, please stay..." he says and holds onto my wrist. "It's really nice just laying here next to you."

"As much as I would love to, I can't. If my mom comes home and sees us laying together, she may get upset. Plus, we should make breakfast. I'm kind of hungry," I tell him. He allows me to get up and gets up himself.

"I'll make your bed. Just go start breakfast," he says and I go downstairs.

When I pass the living room to go to the kitchen, I check on Ari and see her on the floor. She must have fallen off the couch in her sleep. Ari moves around so much in her sleep, which is the reason that I never sleep with her during sleepovers. I did once and she kicked me in the face in the middle of the night.

I go in the kitchen and look in the fridge. I see eggs and leftover rice, so I decide to just make eggs and rice with toast since it's simple. I start cooking the eggs and put the rice on a separate pan to heat it up.

I hear Ni-ki walk in the kitchen and say, "What are you making?" He wraps his arms around my waist like the night at dinner and looks over my shoulder at the stove.

"Just some eggs, rice, and toast. I'm not that good at cooking, so I decided on something easy," I explain while flipping the egg. He lets go of me and I hear him open the fridge and look around for a second before walking back to me.

"Put some sausage and chopped up vegetables in the rice," he sets sausage and carrots on the counter.

"Oh, okay. I didn't know you could cook," I say, surprised.

"Well, I help my mom a lot. She has trouble doing everything by herself," he says and starts cutting some vegetables for the rice.

We finish the dish and it seems a lot nicer than what I was going to make, so I'm glad that Ni-ki decided to help me with it.

Ari wakes up from the smell of the food and heads over to the kitchen.

"You guys made breakfast? Thank you so much," she says with her raspy morning voice.

We all make plates for ourselves and eat the meal silently at the table. Every once in a while, Ni-ki would look over at me for some reason, but other than that, it's really quiet. When he finishes his plate, he cleans it in the kitchen sink and comes to the table to tell me something.

"My mom messaged me and told me I need to go home, so I'll see you at school, Hana," he leans down and whispers something in my ear. "I'll give you Jay's clothes at school tomorrow," he says and kisses my cheek.

"Okay, bye," I say and he leaves.

"So, how did it go last night? I saw that you slept with him in your room," Ari says.

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