Chapter 35 : The Trip Part 6

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We spend the rest of the day wandering through the amusement park, trying different foods and rides and even going in a few gift shops and looking around.

"This one!" I say and drag Ni-ki into the shop.

There's tons of candy for sale and even some small stuffed animals and toys.

I look at one of the shelves on display and see a cute dolphin stuffed animal. It's pink and white and I think it's so cute! It costs $9.99. Luckily, I have enough money for it.

I go up to the register and hand them the stuffed animal and then reach in to take out some money that I stole from Jay's wallet before I left. However, before I can set it on the counter, Ni-ki sets down a $10 bill.

"Ni-ki, I can pay for it."

"I'm paying for it," he says.

"But Ni-ki-"

"Shut up," he says jokingly and grabs the receipt from the worker.

"Have a nice day," the guy says and hands me the bag with the dolphin in it.


"Hana, please just let me do something nice for you. I want to pay for it," he says as we continue walking.

"You just pay so much for me already, I feel bad if you keep paying..."

"Never feel bad about that. I care about you and that's how I show my love for you," he says and holds my hand.

"You could just kiss me you know... instead of using all your money-"

"Kiss you?" He smirks at me. "Oh, like this?" He leans down and places his lips on mine lightly. I feel him smile into the kiss and then he pulls away.

"I- yeah, that's good too," I smile, blushing at the sudden interaction. Suddenly, I see the time and realize we should probably head back to the bus.

When we get back to the bus, Mr. Kang is there and he tells us that we can just order room service tonight instead of eating at a restaurant, so that is what we do after we get back home.

"Can I get... a shrimp platter and 8 fried rice side dishes?" Jungwon says into the phone in the living room. "Yes, and 8 Pepsi cans. Yes, that will be all. Thank you," he says and hangs up. "They said the food will be here in about an hour and a half since they have a lot of orders at the moment."

"An hour and a half? That's so long," Ari and Sunoo complain.

"Well, if it's too long, then go to the kitchen and help them cook," Jungwon says. They look at him like he's crazy.

Sunoo scoffs and says, "I guess we're waiting then."

"What should we do until then?" Heeseung asks, flipping through channels in the TV.

"Oh, we should play Truth or Dare!" Ari yells.

"That sounds fun!" Yena says and sits on the couch.

"Uh..." Ni-ki says and looks at me.

"Do we have to play Truth or Dare? I'm not really in the mood for it..." I say, trying to convince everyone to play a different game. Last time I played that with Ni-ki, it didn't end well. I think that game was part of the reason that he got so upset.

"Oh, come on. It'll be fun! What do you say, Ni-ki? Shouldn't Hana play with us?" Ari says and everyone looks at Ni-ki.

"Uh... sure. Sounds... fun I guess..." he says slowly. I can tell he doesn't want to agree to this, but just did because everyone else wants to play.

"Okay, come sit down here!" Ari says and hops onto the floor. Everyone else joins her, including Ni-ki.

Ni-ki makes eye contact with me and gestures for me to come sit by him. I do and he seems to relax a lot more with me next to him.

"Wait, we're missing someone," Yena says. "Bahiyyih?" She calls. No response. "Let me go check in the room, she may be on her phone," Yena says and gets up. She comes out a few seconds later and sits back down. "She fell asleep. She must've done a lot today."

"If by 'a lot' you mean ride a few rides for little kids, then yeah. We did so much," Heeseung says under his breath with a sarcastic tone to his voice.

"What's wrong with the little kid rides?" Ni-ki speaks up. Heeseung looks over at him.

"They're for little kids. I mean, they're boring. Why would anyone want to ride those?" He says, further upsetting Ni-ki.

"Okay, and? I'm not seeing a reason why she can't ride them. They aren't restricted to only kids, so the workers obviously don't care the age range of the people who ride it. So shut up and let her do what she wants," Ni-ki says, rolling his eyes after speaking.

"So you want to start this with me again?" He asks, sitting up straight and looking Ni-ki directly in the eye.

"Yeah, I do."

"Go ahead then. Start it," Heeseung says, standing up. Ni-ki stands up too.

"Guys, stop," Ari says. "This isn't worth it."

"No, he started this and I'm tired of it, let him do what he wants," Heeseung says.

"I started this? You're the one who put your hands on my girlfriend!" Ni-ki yells.

"She didn't stop me."

Ni-ki grabs his collar and pulls him so close that their noses almost touch.

"I still don't know what made you think it's okay to touch her without her consent," Ni-ki says through his teeth.

"Ni-ki, please stop," I say and pull his arm back.

"No, Hana. I'm settling this," he says and goes back to Heeseung.

"Oh, you're going to settle this? Go ahead and-"

Ni-ki hits Heeseung on the right of his face, leaving Heeseung's mouth wide open.

"Guys, that's enough, stop this-" Ari says and pulls Heeseung away and I pull Ni-ki away.

"Ni-ki, look at me," I say. He continues staring at Heeseung. "Look at me," I say, making my voice softer. He breaks the eye contact with Heeseung and looks at me, his hard expression immediately softening when we make eye contact.

"I-" Ni-ki says, realizing what just happened. "I'm sorry, Hana... I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay. Just please don't do it again. When you get upset, just come to me. I'll help you get through it in a better way," I say.

"Okay..." he says and I pull him in for a hug.

"Do you want to go lay down until dinner gets here?" I ask him. He nods and we walk into my bedroom, closing the door to block out all the sound in the living room.

(A/N : I wasn't planning on uploading this chapter today but here you go, enjoy! It was going to be longer but I decided to split it so it wouldn't be too long. I think this chapter was just for the drama tbh :) Anyways, I hope you have an amazing day/night! <3)

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