Chapter 11 : The Farewell

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(A/N : Sorry this took so long to upload! I've been really busy and tired and I haven't felt the best. But here's the chapter! It's probably kind of boring but I hope you still enjoy it!)

I look at my phone and see a text from Ni-ki.


Ni-ki : thank you for coming over for dinner, but are you and your parents on good terms? You said you had an argument with them...

Ni-ki : do you need to talk about anything? We didn't really have a chance earlier because my mom was always right next to us

Hana : yeah, we're okay. I'm about to go talk to them right now about it. Thank you for caring

Ni-ki : it's my job now to care for you

(I smile when I read that.)

Hana : does that mean you're my boyfriend?

(He starts typing, then stops. Then starts again, and stops again. Finally after a few minutes, he responds.)

Ni-ki : yeah, I guess it does.

Hana : oh, I forgot to give you your jacket back

Ni-ki : keep it and wear it when we go out together

Hana : what if my parents ask where I got it?

Ni-ki : you can tell them that you bought it at the store

Hana : ok, I'll try. I'll see you tomorrow, ni-ki

Ni-ki : see you tomorrow, Hana

•end of texting•

I set all my stuff down and sit on my bed for a moment before deciding to go down and talk to my parents.

They aren't downstairs so I look in their bedroom and see them packing my dad's suitcase for tomorrow.

"Dad?" I say and push the door open a little bit. He looks up at me and drops his stuff, walking to me.

"Hana, where were you? You worried me so much," he says and hugs me tight. His cologne is a smell that I will never forget. It's a scent that has always shown a sense of protection and warmth for me. "I'm so sorry, honey. I never planned on leaving. But I will be back." Just thinking about not seeing my dad when I get home from school tomorrow makes me sad.

"It's okay, Dad. I understand why you didn't tell us. I'll wait for you to come back. I promise." I say and hug him tightly one more time.

"I love you, Hana."

"I love you too, Dad." We hug one final time and he goes back to packing his bag.

It's probably a good idea to finish my homework then go to bed as early as I can, so I go straight back to my room to do so.

~The Next Morning~

I wake up early to say bye to my father before he gets on his plane. Since I have to get ready for school still, I can't go to the airport to say bye.

Before my dad walks out the door in the morning with my mom, Jay and I say our final goodbyes.

"Watch over Hana for me, Jay. I'm leaving you in charge of her until you leave," my dad says to Jay. Then he turns to all of us and says, "And don't forget to call every once in a while to talk. I'm not actually going to be that far away. Japan is really close when you think about it." Finally, he hugs me for the last time. "Okay, I have to go now or I'll miss my flight. I love both of you very much and I can't wait for the day when I can come home for good." Then he is gone.

I do almost cry, but I have to stop myself. I can't cry right before I go to school.

I watch my mom and dad walk to the car through the window by my front door. I watch them until the car is out of sight, then I decide I should go upstairs to get ready or I'll be late.

As I am getting ready, I decide to put music on to listen to. Lately I've been enjoying listening to the band The Rose. The song "Sorry" plays and I get dressed into my school uniform.

(A/N : Do any of you like the kband The Rose? I've started listening to some of their music and it's really good. Feel free to suggest me some of their songs. My favorites are California, Red, I.L.Y., and Sorry but I like all the ones I've listened to so far so it's hard to choose. Anyway, back to the story lol)

I realize what time it is and that I have to rush to the bus before I miss it. I run out yelling bye to Jay, who doesn't have work today. The bus pulls up before I get down the road and the driver doesn't see me today, so they drive past and I miss the bus.

What am I going to do now? I may not make it if I have to walk, but I have to at least try.

As I finally reach the bus stop, I see Ni-ki standing there.

"Ni-ki, what are you doing here? The bus just left. You probably could've made it," I say and walk closer to him.

"I know, but you never miss the bus. You worried me since you weren't here. I was going to go check at your house," he says.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was listening to music as I got ready and I was a little late to the bus. You should've just gone. I'll find a way to get to school," I tell Ni-ki.

"I'll walk with you, its okay. If you're late, so am I," Ni-ki smiles and grabs my hand. I blush in response and we walk along the sidewalk towards school.

(A/N : This chapter was a little short but I couldn't find much more to fit into this chapter. I also want to know if you guys like reading about them actually going to school of if you would prefer just skipping over that part most of the time. Because most stuff will probably happen outside of school, but I can make stuff happen in school if you'd like. Thank you for reading if you enjoyed, don't forget to vote! I hope you're having a great day/night!)

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