Chapter 3: The First Meeting

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After lunch, I showed Ni-ki to our Korean class. That class will most likely be the most helpful one for him since it'll help him build his Korean skills. After that class, I show Ni-ki where the Art room is and rush to my PE class so I won't be late. Unfortunately, I don't make it in time. The bell rang when I was 2 steps away from the door and Mrs. Kim told me it was too late and asks me why I am tardy today.

I try to explain it to her. "I was walking a new student to his class and I tried my best to get here on time, but since his class was in the other building, I didn't make it."

"What new student?" she asks, clearly skeptical about my story.

"Ni-ki," I reply. Today is his first day, so I was helping him... You can talk to Mr. Kang. He's the one who told me to help him."

She nods and says, "Okay. But don't be late again." I sigh in relief and walk into the classroom where the students are talking, waiting for Mrs. Kim to give them instructions for the day.

The class passes by pretty quickly. I don't hate the class, I actually kind of enjoy it. And I basically get to talk to Sunoo and Ari the whole time. I'm really glad that Sunoo, Ari, and I have all the same classes. It's the only thing that makes school fun and worth my time.

Once the bell rings for the last time today, I grab all my stuff and go to the locker room and change out of my gym clothes into my afternoon clothes. Since I have PE last, I can usually just change straight into the clothes I wear outside of school since there's no reason to get back into my school clothes.

After I get all my belongings out of my locker, I leave the school. I catch the bus and do basically the same thing as I did this morning. I listen to music and wait to get home. The bus runs the route the opposite way so I get off first in the afternoon.

When I open the door to my house, I hear nothing. Normally, my parents would be making some kind of noise but that's not the case today. I look in the living room and see that my dad is asleep on the couch and my mom is sitting at the dining room table, cutting meat for dinner tonight.

"Hey mom," I say.

"Hey Hana. How was school today?" she asks, genuinely curious, unlike usually when she just brushes me off.

"It was good. I have a question though..." I say and sit down next to her at the table.

"Yes, honey?"

"I have a project in my history class with a partner and I wanted to know if I could meet up with them to complete it," I ask in the nicest way possible. I also make sure not to say it's a boy she doesn't know because that'll ruin my chances of going.

"Who are you meeting up with?" She asks. Crap, I was hoping she didn't ask that.

"Just Sunoo. You know Sunoo, right?" I lie.

"Yes, Sunoo's a sweet boy. You can go. But Be back by 7:00 for dinner!"

"Okay mom, thank you! See you later!" I say and run to the door. I stop outside the door to text Ni-ki and tell him I can make it.


Hana: I can make it this afternoon. Where do you want to meet?

Ni-ki: I don't know my way around here you know of anywhere where it's good to study?

Hana: uhh...we can meet up at the café I guess. Where do you live? I'll come to your house and bring you there.

Ni-ki: I live on 1904 Oak street

(A/N : Don't judge me, I couldn't think of a better address, it's not that important. Just don't pay any attention to it lol)

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