Chapter 34 : The Trip Part 5

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"Sit there," I say and point to my bed. He sits and I get a box of tissues from the bathroom and hand it to Ni-ki, allowing him to wipe his tears away.

I sit in front of him and wait for him to calm down.

"Do you feel better now?" I ask him. He nods and removes the tissue from his eye. "Don't ever hide things like this from me again," I say and scoot closer to him, putting my arm on his.

"Okay..." he says. I hug him and his body is stiff for a few seconds before he finally relaxes into the hug. "I missed this, Hana..."

"I missed it too..." I say. He pulls away from the hug and looks at me.

"You still have the necklace on," he says and picks it up, studying it as if it's his first time seeing it.

"Of course I do. It means too much for me to just get rid of it," I say. His smile returns.

He just stares at me for a minute, not saying anything. It starts to make me blush so I look down to hide my reddening face. Ni-ki tilts my head back up to look him in the eye.

I kiss him, taking him by surprise since I'm not usually the one to initiate kisses. He intertwines his fingers with mine and pulls me closer.

"Hey, guys, Mr. Kang-" the door opens behind us. Ni-ki jumps up off the bed and trips on the blanket. "Oh, sorry for interrupting... I can come back in a few minutes," she says and starts closing the door.

"No, Ari! What were you saying?" I ask. She opens the door again.

"Mr. Kang said to go ahead and get ready to go out. He said we're going to the amusement park again," she says. "I could tell him that you're sick and get you two a reason to stay here..." she says and smirks at me.

"No, Ari. Stop that. We'll get ready now," I say and she closes the door.

I look down at Ni-ki who fell on the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, reaching a hand down to help him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped," he says and stands up. "I'm going to go ahead and get dressed. I'll see you when we leave," he says and waves bye, smiling, and goes out of the room.

I change my clothes quickly and fix my hair. Then I go into the living room and see everyone waiting for me so we can leave.

"I guess I'm just really slow then..." I say.

"Yep," they agree and we leave the hotel room.

We get put to the bus and when I go to sit in the same seat as yesterday, I see that Ari isn't sitting there today.

Ari is in the back of the bus sitting next to Jungwon, sleeping. I end up sitting in the same seat as yesterday and Ni-ki sits next to me.

"I guess I'll sit here today," he says and smiles.

"Ari did that on purpose. She wanted us to sit together."

"Well, at least it means I can sit with you," he holds my hand as he smiles at me. "Honestly, I'm more shocked that she's already asleep rather than her making us sit together." I laugh and nod.

"That's Ari. She can fall asleep in half a second. It's amazing," I say and we laugh.

Once the bus arrives at the park, we get off and go to meet with our group, but they've all left to do their own thing.

"I guess that leaves us alone together... again," I say, watching Ari and Jungwon walk off to go explore.

"That's okay. It's been a long time since we've spent time together. It can give us some alone time," he says and grabs my hand.

We walk through the park, looking at various stands, shops, and rides, trying to decide what to do first.

"Oh, let's go on that!" Ni-ki says and points to a rollercoaster.

"Ni-ki, that's scary! It goes so high and it spins!" I say, watching the people ride it. I hear them screaming and it scares me even more.

"Oh, come on. It's not that scary. We can ride it together, come on," he says as he drags me along to the line.

"Ni-ki, please. This is going to make me sick," I say.

"Hey," he looks at me. "It's okay. I'm here. If it gets too bad, then we won't go, ok?" I nod and squeeze his hand tighter. We move forward in the line and suddenly, it's our turn.

"Please step this way to enter the ride," the worker says and opens the gate. Ni-ki turns to me and looks down.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me. I nod and he puts his arm over my shoulder, guiding me to the cart we'll be sitting in.

"Please keep everything inside the cart at all times and enjoy the ride," the worker says as she helps us buckle up.

After about a minute, the ride starts. I hold Ni-ki's hand and lean on his shoulder, taking a deep breath in the process.

He holds my hand back as the cart moves forward. We go up the hill and once we reach the top, I squeeze my eyes closed and look down. I feel the cart dive down and all of a sudden, the wind hits my face and it's hard to breathe. When the ride reaches the bottom, it slows down and I take a breath.

"You okay?" Ni-ki asks me. "You're squeezing my hand so hard that you're going to crush it," he laughs.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine... sorry," I say and release his hand.

"No, it's okay," he says and picks my hand back up.

The ride goes up another hill and down again, several more times, even doing a small spin before we go back into the area where we get off.

The worker walks to us and helps us unbuckle and step off the ride, then escorts us out.

The sunlight hits my face and I cover my eyes with my hand.

"You did it!" Ni-ki says and hugs me.

"I know! It wasn't even that bad, honestly," I say.

"Oh, does that mean we can go again?" He asks excitedly, jumping up and down.

"No. No, I will not be riding that again," I say. He stops jumping and frowns.

"That's okay, we can go find something else to do. Maybe... that one!" Ni-ki says and points to the biggest ride in the whole park. It's probably the equivalent of about seven of the ride we just went on.

"No! Let's go ride something calmer," I say and hit his arm lightly.

"Okay, just because I love you," he says and interlocks his arm with mine. It feels amazing to be with Ni-ki again, from just being next to him all the way to hearing him say "I love you." I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything.

(A/N : This chapter took literally so long but whatever. I hope you enjoyed it and like seeing Hana and Ni-ki together again. I know that I'm happy about it because it was killing me inside😭. Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day/night! <3)

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