Ch. 2: A Hairy Situation

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Lilith couldn't help but feel worry as she looked closer at Luz, seeing the mark on her neck as she continued to compare her as the duel went on. Soon, the inevitable happened.

'Of course, she cheats. Let's get this over with.'

Deciding to stop the duel, Lilith went to her pupil and put a hand in her shoulder.

"I think that's enough, Amity. You've proven you are the superior witch." She said as Amity smirked in victory.

"Oh, really?" Eda said, "then what's this?"

Eda pulled off the power glyph on Amity's neck, causing the crowd to gasp.

"A power glyph?" Luz asked in shock!

"Straight from the Construction Coven. Looks like little miss lawful isn't so lawful after all." Eda said with a smirk to her sister.

"I only did that because I KNEW you could cheat!" Lilith said, trying to defend her reasoning.

"You still cheated! Welcome to my level!" Eda said, "Hot damn I love Coventions."

Lilith growled in anger as Eda did a celebration dance while Amity ran off in sadness, the girl that she believed could be her daughter followed after her.

"Edalyn, you're making a scene!"

Eda did the wave with her hands before pointing in her sister's face!

"You still cheated! Somebody get the rhyming coven, I need some words that rhyme with cheated." Eda said to the crowd, that was still there.

"Will you stop acting like a child?!" Lilith screamed in frustration!

"You just cheated but now you're heated! Get that stank face treated!" Eda said with hand motions.

Lilith glared darkly at her sister as her breaking point was near.

"Rhyme. One. More. Thing." She said slowly with her eyes narrowed.

"Alright, alright, I'm finished." Eda said before smiling deviously. "Because you are defeated and my rhymes are depleted!"

"That's it!"

Lilith summoned her staff and blasted Eda with a fire spell, sending her crashing to the arena wall.

"There she is." Eda said, summoning her staff.

The two witches clash as everyone evacuated the arena, a witches duel between two full grown witches can be as dangerous to view as it was exciting. Outside of the auditorium, Luz was looking for Amity.

"Amity? Amity?" Luz said before seeing Amity in a dark corner, her head in her knees with her arms crossed.


"Go away."

"Amity, I'm sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen." Luz said, sad for Amity to be used for cheating instead of technically losing the duel.

"Like I would ever believe what you'd say."

"Eda was just trying to help me but I never wanted to win like that. I just-" Luz said.

"Just what?! Wanted to prove human can do magic? Well you can't! You never will!" Amity said as she stood up and glared at Luz. "I won the duel! You cheated and you lost! Now admit it, say you're not a witch!"

"I'm not a witch." Luz said, before creating a light glyph, "But I'm training hard to be one."

Amity looked in awe at the light spell before she turned away with a scoff.

"That's just a simple light spell. Any kid can do that....but, I've never seen it cast like that." Amity said as they sat down on the floor.

"Magic is... weird with me. I feel like I've seen it before... used it before, but I can't figure out why."

Luz held her head in frustration, feeling like something in her mind should remember something but can't. Amity looked at her in slight confusion.

'How could she say she's seen it when there's no magic in the human world?' Amity thought before deciding something, to undo the oath they did for the duel.

"There, the oath is unbound."

Luz looked at her hand as Amity got up and walked away.

"Does this man I can learn magic again?" Luz asked, getting up as she left.

"Humans have no magic ability but I don't think you'll care about that." Amity said as she began walking away again.

Luz looked at her hand. In the auditorium, Lilith groaned as she got up. That's when she saw it, Luz's hair. She grabbed the hair strands and smiled.

"Just a simple DNA test and I'll have my answer."

She wouldn't admit it, but she was hoping that this was her daughter. She may have lost this battle but she would get at least one good or bad thing out of today.

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