Ch. 37: The Healing Begins

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In another part of the Isles, Belos walked up the hill to Blight Manor.

'Such a magnificent house but it holds an owner with an ugly attitude.' Belos thought as he stopped before the front door and knocked.

The door opened and Odalia immediately kneeled.

"M-m-my Emperor, what can I do for you?"

"I must talk with you about something." Belos said as he gestured to the inside of Blight Manor. "May I enter?"

"OF COURSE! Of course, please come in!" Odalia said as she quickly rose and allowed Belos to enter her home.

Belos ran a hand over a table with pictures on it. Each and every one was a photo of the family or certain members and in every one of them, the youngest Blight isn't smiling.

'Such a fake image of happiness.' Belos thought as he let out a sigh.

"So, how are your children doing?" Belos asked, "I've had an eye on that youngest of yours. Amity, I believe her name was."

"Oh, are you impressed with her skill?"

"Indeed I am. I may have to bring her into my Coven, she could work her way up to be my right hand like my daughter is." Belos said, getting close to Odalia's ear, "And it would get her away from the likes of you."

Odalia gasped at this as Belos pulled back, showing his glowing eyes as he looked down to her.

"M-M-My Emperor? What do you mean by that?" Odalia stuttered out.

"Do I look like a fool?" He asked, "I know how you treat your youngest."

"B-B-But how?!" Odalia asked in shock.

"A dear friend that your daughter has needed for a long time." Belos said before using his staff to show an image of Luz. "My granddaughter, Lucenda."

Odalia was stunned, so stunned that she couldn't say anything.

"I am giving you one chance to correct this." Belos said, "Don't make me have to come back here."

"I-I-Yes, your majesty." Odalia said as she bowed in shame. "I will try to be a better mother from now on."

"I do hope so or else SOMETHING will be done." Belos said to her.

Belos walked out, closing the door behind him. Odalia was furious, how dare Amity reveal what she's done!? And when did she become friends with the missing princess?! This could completely throw off her planned life for Amity! A life of success and recognition for the Blight name, all down the drain!

'I am going to have a talk with her right now!' Odalia thought as she grabbed the communication necklace she linked to Amity's necklace!

She tried to talk to Amity, but it was clear that the necklace was off.

"When that girl gets home she's in for the beating of a lifetime."

'Is she now?'

Odalia gasped at this voice, Belos communicating to her via telepathic magic.

'It seems you don't understand just HOW serious I was. Though you are a cruel woman, you are still a mother. I hoped that and my warning would be enough to remind you that a child is to be treated with care, not treated like a tool.' Belos thought to her. You won't like what comes next.' Belos thought, 'But I'm sure they will.'

With that, Belos went back to the castle. Where Lilith and Camila had just received the good news, they could do to Odalia as they pleased.

"Well, tomorrow should be fun." Camila said.

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