Ch. 44: Victory?

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Lilith and Belos went over several plans on how to save her.

"With this new layout of Caine's stronghold from Rachael, we can assume Caine is keeping Lucenda in the same room as the portal here." Belos said as he pointed to a spot.

"It would also be safe to assume he has everyone on guard for when we come around." Lilith said.

They heard a door open and saw Eda. Eda walked up to Lilith... and delivered the hardest punch Lilith's ever felt. She was knocked to the ground and could tell that her jaw was no broken. She cast a healing spell on herself as Eda began to chew into her.

"You fucking bitch!" Eda screamed.

"What is the meaning of this?" Lilith asked, getting up from the ground.

"I know what you did! I know it all from that night years ago! YOU were the one that cursed me!" Eda shouted as she pointed to Lilith, who gasped and covered her mouth.

"I... I didn't mean-"

"Shut it!" Eda said, "You kept that secret from me for years! You made me an outcast! You made me fear for everyone I got close too!"

"You got healed!" Lilith countered.

"After thirty years of suffering!" Eda said grabbed Lilith by her neck, "I have that same power you have now, I can kill you with the flick of a wrist!"

"Nobody is killing anybody!" Belos shouted, using his staff to make them both float apart. "Not until we find Lucenda."

"But dad!" Eda shouted to him.

"Enough! There is more important thing going on!" He said, "The fate of the Human Realm, as well as our realm is at stake! Along with Lucenda's possible life!"

Eda was silent from that, knowing he was right, and that rescuing Luz should take priority right now, but it was just so infuriating to learn from the Titan that her own sister cursed her 30 years ago!

"You're lucky my love for Luz outweighs my need to kill you. After we save her, you're fucking dead." Eda said as she pointed to Lilith.

Lilith was silent for a few moments before she looked Eda in the eyes with pure conviction.

"You can try as much as you wish. Morning, night, even in my dreams if you must. But know this, I will not die so long as my daughter needs me. And after being away from her and my wife for 10 years, I won't die so easily." Lilith said.

"Focus." He said, "I still have the authority to ground you and I will for the NEXT thirty years if you don't help create a plan to save her!"

"You can't ground us! We're full grown women!" Eda said to Belos.

"I am your emperor, your boss, and most importantly, your father. I can and will ground you both! Now focus!" Belos said as he set them both on the ground, "Now the best option would be to sneak in, and I'm thinking the woman that robbed the largest bank in Bonesborough should know how to do that."

"You know about that, huh?" Eda said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously.

"Of course I did. Who do you think called off the manhunt to get the money back?" Belos said to her.

"But father makes a good point. Behind Aunt Rachael, you're the best person that could get in without anyone noticing." Lilith said to her sister.

"And how would I do that exactly?" Eda asked, "It took me a year to plan that robbery, I have... what, ten minutes at best to figure out this?"

"Yes, but now you have the Titan on your side." Belos said.

"Father has a point, not to mention your magic power is even greater than before. You could make yourself completely silent at the snap of your fingers if you wanted to." Lilith added.

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