Ch. 38: Pain and Practice

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At the castle, Belos standing at a window and looked at the sun setting. It was a nice moment of peace that was rare for him, especially after letting his daughter and daughter-in-law to teach a very painful lesson to Odalia Blight. He fully expects a bloody and beaten Odalia dropped by his feet before the end of the day.

"My Emperor?"

Belos turned and looked and saw a guard.


"Golden Guard has delivered his latest report."

Holding out the message to him, Belos took it and dismissed guard before he opened and read the report.

"Well, they're persistent, I'll give them that." He said.

'Still, we need to increase security around the perimeter of Lilith's mansion. They got TOO close. If Hunter wasn't there, another attack would've happened.' Belos thought as he closed the report, 'Maybe have Luz stay here for the time being.'

It may be uncomfortable, but the coven had more security. It would greatly delay Caine and his crazed plan of using Luz as a power source for his portal to conquer Earth.

"Her mothers would never agree to it, seeing as it would separate them."

"Not that they would let you." Hunter said as he walked into the room.

"I see you've been working on your stealth." Belos said, "I should be impressed... except I knew you were there."

"Of course, you did." Hunter said.

"Anyway, what do you suggest instead of moving Lucenda here?" Belos asked.

"A security detail hidden in plain sight. Either with illusion spells or dressed as civilians." Hunter said.

"I suppose that could work."

"By the way, where are Lilith and Camila?" Hunter asked his uncle.

"They are "catching up" with an old classmate as we speak." Belos said.

"Ah, it seems they were too excited to wait."

Odalia heard a knock on the door, and she went to open it. When she did, Camila's hand grabbed her neck.

"Ugh!" She chocked out as she grabbed the hand, trying to pry it away!

"Hello, Odalia. It's been too long." Camila said as she walked in with Lilith, who shut the door behind them.

"C-Camila?" She choked out in shock.

"Huh, my actual name." Camila said, "Nice that you finally learned it."

"Eh-What are you-" Odalia asked as she brought into the den and forced into a chair.

"That's my little secret. Now, we have more important things to talk about. Like how your parental methods effect your children." Camila said to her.

"What I do with my children is my business." Odalia said.

"Are you actually arguing with the future Empress?" Camila asked, "You should realize that will end badly."

"Very badly." Lilith said as she glared at Odalia. "And as the future emperor, I will make it my duty that people like you are HUNG for the crimes you have committed."

"However, we aren't in charge yet." Camila said, wanting to punch that smirk off Odalia's face, "We are, however, allowed to bring you in... after some fun."

Odalia's face dropped.

"You've been nothing but a pain in my ass since I first came to this realm." Camila said, cracking her knuckles, "I'm going to enjoy this."

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