Ch. 19: A New Titan?

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"It is the heart of the Titan, Lucenda. One of the sources of all magic." Belos said as she and Hunter walked to him, seeing the others standing beside him.

But Eda looked different then when Luz last saw her. She looked younger, her body looked stronger, and her hair was bright Orange.

"Aunt Eda?" Luz said in surprise.

"That's right kid! It's me, 100% curse free!" Eda said as she threw her arms out. "Take it all in, cause it's here to stay!"

"Wow." Luz said, "So, what did you call us here for?"

"To tell you about the situation and your training schedule." Belos said to her.


"Yes. A worrisome thought has come to us and we fear it will become a reality, you must be ready to face this threat if we are not around to protect you. There for, you must be training in an accelerated rate." Belos said as Lilith stepped forward.

"Don't worry." Lilith said, "I'll teach you everything I know."

"And I'll teach you some dirty secrets Lily doesn't know!" Eda said.

"I will help you as well. I have some knowledge on healing spells that are beyond what the healing coven can do." Camilia said to her daughter.

"I just learned about my magic a few days ago, do you think I can learn that much?"

"With your hidden potential, I think you can." Belos said with confidence.

"Hidden potential?"

"Let's just say, you can surpass me some day." Belos said, "Now, Lilith, I wish to speak with you in private."

"Yes, father." Lilith said to him.

Lilith and Belos walked out of the room and he led her to a room deep in the castle.

"Father, what are we doing?"

Belos stayed quiet until they were in a large room with a large body of water.

"Father, is this-"

"The place I connected with the Titan? Yes." He said, "I was hoping to do this on your coronation, but I'm afraid that isn't an option anymore."

"Anymore? Father, what are you saying?" Lilith asked him, feeling something big was coming and becoming scared of what he was saying.

"If you are going to help fight, then you need to take the next step in becoming the Emperor. You need to connect to the Titan."

"Connect with the Titan?" Lilith said with a gasp as she looked towards the large body of water.

"Yes. If we are going to face my brother, you must connect with the Titan to grow stronger." Belos said to her.

"This pool is special. It is filled with water and Titan's Blood." Belos said, "Lay in the pool and you will be able to connect to the Titan."

"It can't be that easy."

"It's not. It takes a strong will and even stronger mind to handle it." Belos said, "No problem for one of my daughters."

Lilith smiled at her father but still felt nervous, looking to the pool and taking a deep breath.

"Alright, father. I am ready." Lilith said as she began walking into the pool.

"Simply submerge into the water and you will connect with the Titan. It will only be a moment out here but to you, it shall be longer." Belos warned her.

Lilith laid down, submerging her head in the water. Belos waited and Lilith shot up, breathing heavily and screaming. She calmed down and ran a hand through her wet hair. She got up and walked out of the pool. Belos placed a towel around her.

"S-s-such, knowledge." Lilith said, "I understand so much now."

"What did you see?"

"I-I currently can't believe it but it was unbelievable." Lilith said before recalling what she saw from the Titan.

Lilith saw the evolution of the Isles. From the Titan walking, all the way to now.

"Try your magic."

Looking at her hand, Lilith felt the magic inside of her was the same yet different. Lilith held her hand out and instead of having to make a spell circle, a full circle was there.

"Connecting to the Titan allows your magic to become stronger. If you were to make a spell circle, then you will perform a spell more powerful than you ever have before. Now, try and speak to the Titan."

Lilith made her spell circle disappear as closed her eyes to think of the Titan, to communicate with it.

"Greetings, my child." Lilith heard, a deep and booming voice that made Lilith gasp in shock.

'T-T-Titan?!' Lilith thought in shock.

"The little Princess, all grown up. I was wondering when you'd finally be able to talk to me, I remember when you were a toddler and arrived at the castle." Titan said, "And I really look forward to speaking to your daughter, I would love to hear about her life as a witch in the Human Realm."

Lilith was still in shock after hearing the Titan's voice as Belos grasped her shoulder, bringing her back to focus.

"Overwhelming at first, isn't it?" Belos asked her.

"Yes, it is." Lilith said to her father.

"Trust me, when you get used to it, he becomes one of your greatest allies."

Lilith nodded to Belos as she went back to speaking with the Titian. This time she was calmer and ready.

'What do you know about this enemy?" Lilith asked telepathically.

"A lot." Titan said, "They have planned every stage for over 40 years. It's built better than a military operation."

"Have they? What is their plan and why does it involve Luz?' Lilith thought.

"Her power could be used, whether it's as a weapon or something else, I don't know. I know that they wanted to kill your wife and take your daughter."

This made Lilith angry, very angry! It was one thing to attack her wife but to kill her!? Lilith was out for blood now more than ever!

'Thank you, Titan.' Lilith told the Titan, "Now, father, you know I don't agree with Petrification, but when I say that you must Petrify them, crush them, then throw their remains into the ocean. I mean it."

"...Okay, daughter." Belos said with some surprise in his voice.

'I will never understand how mothers can be so dangerous when their child is threatened.' He thought with a gulp.

They walked back up to the Throne Room.

"Lily? Why are you all wet?" Eda asked, "I thought you saved that for the bedroom."

"It doesn't matter, I have new information on what they want Lucenda for."

"Really? Do you want me to call her back? Cam took her to help her move in." Eda said to her sister.

"No, this isn't something she should hear yet." Lilith said.

"Okay then shot, what's the news?" Eda asked.

"Father took me to establish a connection with the Titan and I learned that Caine wants Luz for her power. Whatever it is, nothing good can come from it." Lilith explained to her.

"Then that means we need to keep her away from him."

"And prepare ourselves for bloodshed. I would sooner die then let that man touch my daughter or my wife." Lilith said with a glare.

Eda took a step back. She's never seen Lilith this angry before.

"Damn. Mama bear is scary on you, Lily." Eda said to her.

"I thought she was dead for a decade; I refuse to lose her again."

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