Ch. 41: Exam Time

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The next morning, Luz was getting ready. She was going to go to Hexside and apply for the next semester. All she needed to do was show off her knowledge of magic and she would be in. Luz was currently singing a song to herself as she was brushing her hair, making sure to look her best to impress Principal Bump now that she had magic.

"Everything needs to be perfect." She said.

"That's not true, you just need to be yourself." Lilith said from the doorway, making Luz stop brushing her hair.

"But what if-"

"Thoughts like those are what keep you from reaching your full potential."

Lilith moved to her daughter and out a comforting grip on her shoulders.

"I had those same thoughts, and they only make things worse. Just be calm, take a breath, and remember that you can do this." She said to Luz.

Luz closed her eyes and nodded.


Lilith kissed her forehead and got up before Luz.

"Now, do you mind if I help you get ready? It would help put you mind at ease." Lilith said to her.


For the next ten minutes, Lilith help Luz get ready by finishing her hair and making it look neat, fresh, and presentable while keeping with the "Luz" style.

"There, now my baby looks ready for anything."

"Mom." Luz said with a giggle as they exited the bathroom.

"Now, let's get you dressed. Whatever you desire will be fine." Lilith said to her.


"Money is no issue." Lilith said.

Luz smiled at her mother as she went to her closet and began pulling out her outfit for today.

"What do you think of this?"

Lilith pulled out the outfit Luz wore on Raine's Inauguration Day as the new Bard Coven head witch, completely clean and fixed from the surprise attack from Caine's forces.

"It's perfect."

Luz got changed, patting down any wrinkles there were.

"There's my beautiful, Baby girl." Lilith said, "You know, I remember the day you came into this world. The greatest day of my life... after the sixteen hours of hell I went through."

"I was always told me child birth was both a wonderful and painful experience, so I'll take you word for it." Luz said.
"Oh, extremely painful, but it was all worth it to have you here with us." Lilith said with a smile.

"Now let's go, I want to see my baby get accepted into the best school in the Isles."

Luz nodded to her mother as they left her room, heading to the front door where Camila was waiting for them.

"Oh, you like beautiful, Mija!" Camila said to Luz.

"Thank you, Mami." Luz said.

Camila gave Luz a kiss on the cheek before they exited their home and Lilith her staff to fly them to Hexside.

"All aboard." Lilith said as she got in front.

Luz got on behind her and wrapped her arms around her mom.

Camila then got behind Luz and held onto the staff.

"Ready for takeoff." Camila said.

"Then off we go." Lilith said, flying them all to Hexside.

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