Ch. 32: Inauguration Invasion

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They arrived at the castle, where they saw Eda, in her new uniform.

"Hey, you three, how was your day out?" Eda asked them with a smile.

"How are you even standing, right now?" Lilith asked.

"And where did you get that dress?" Camilia asked.

"Funny story turns out dad lied to use about the coven relics. They actually work, so he fixed me up with the healing hat. Snap! Like that, I'm good as new. As for where I got this, pops made it for me." Eda threw a blue version of it at Lilith, "Now get dressed Lily, we got Coven stuff to do."

Lilith looked at the silver raven mask and back at Eda.

"I could've just grabbed it you know."

"Not while you were with your family." Eda said with a smirk.

Lilith rolled her eyes and went to get dressed. Camilia and Luz went to Belos for an explanation of what the coven business was, a ceremony to welcome in the new Bard Coven head.

"So, the old man finally retired, huh?" Camila asked, "He was old when I was at Hexside."

"Come on, mom. He couldn't have been that old." Luz said.

"Lucenda, his current age is 143. Though Principal Bump is the same age, his body can handle it." Belos said.

"143?!" Luz said in shock! "That's older ANY human has lived!"

"If you think that's old, your grandfather here is well over two hundred." Camila said.

Luz felt her jaw dropped like it was broken, unable to believe that her grandfather was over 200 years old!

"You're that old!?"

"Well, I don't mean to brag." Belos said, "Now, the question I have for you two is, would you like to come to the ceremony with us?"

"Mmmm, that depends. Who is being sworn in as the new coven head?" Camilia asked.

"Oh, no one special just...Edalyn's old flame, Raine Whispers." Belos said with a smirk under his mask.

"I am absolutely coming." Camila said.

"Eda's mysterious past? I'm in!" Luz said.

"Good." Belos said, handing them outfits, "I have these ready for you, I figured it's time for you to become a royal again, Camila."

"I suppose it is." Camilia said as she and Luz took the outfits. "I just hope these celebrations aren't as crazy as I remember."

"Come on, Mija, let's go get ready."

Luz nodded in excitement as they left the throne room, eager to see how she looked in the outfit and how Aunt Eda would react to her old crush becoming a coven head!

Belos watched as they left. He felt happy that he had his family.

'Speaking of family, I wonder when Rachael is going to report to me?' Belos thought.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see his little sister.

"You really need to get better guards." She said.

Belos wasn't surprised by this, knowing his sister was the most silent witch he had ever known.

"So, what did you learn?" Belos asked.

"A lot of things. His plan for Luz, his fortune, the location of his base, and how he managed to seem dead for all these years." Rachael said to her brother.

"Tell me everything." Belos said to her.

"Well, for starters. He's hiding at our old home."

"Our old house? But it's abandoned. Unless..." Belos said.

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