Ch. 45: Curse and Blessing

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Lilith sat in Belos throne, trying to calm herself down after nearly losing her daughter for the second, more permanent, time. Killing Caine didn't bring as much comfort as she thought but it was enough to let her know that it will never happen again with him dead.

"Are you okay, Lily?" Eda asked, "I still want to kill you, but it's not as fun if you're mopey."

Lilith looked up to Eda and gave the sternest, hardest glare she could muster to the younger witch.

"My daughter is on death's doorstep, do you THINK I'm okay after that? After SEEING her in a cage like an animal while her life was being drained out of her?" Lilith replied in a cold voice.

"Do you really think Luz isn't going to be okay?" Eda asked, "After everything that kid has gone through, I'm surprised she hasn't died yet. That girl is something special, Lily, she isn't going to die, she's going to be fine."

Before Lilith could respond, there was an explosion near the front of the castle.

"TITAN DAMNIT, WHAT NOW?!" They both shouted, tired of the constant attacks as of late!

They ran to the front entrance, seeing Odalia and... a very, very burnt Caine. His skin was charred so much that it was black and bits of ash fell off, his hair completely burnt off, his eyes red with blood.

"You're still alive?!" Eda and Lilith shouted in shock, seeing their uncle barely standing with several healing patches to help him move.

"I was surprised too but I don't question it." Odalia commented as she tapped her necklace summoning a large spirit.

"So long as my goal is within reach, I will not die." Caine said with a growl.

"Then I guess it's time to finish the job." Eda said.

"Agreed." Lilith said as she summoned her staff, pointing it at Caine. "This time, I'm going to make SURE nothing is left of your body."

"Your father said the same thing. He wasn't any luckier." Caine said before looking to Odalia. "Deal with Edalyn and don't hold back."

"Yes, master." Odalia said as she stepped forward, taking off her jacket to reveal a black tank top and multiple power glyph tattoos?!

"Oh, now this is a real challenge." Eda said as her eyes started glowing.

Eda had made an unspoken agreement to fight Odalia as she marched towards her. Their footsteps got faster before they were in a full sprint. They both threw a punch and their fist connected, making a powerful shockwave that shook the castle. Eda dodged a kick form Odalia and threw a punch at Odalia's jaw, knocking her across the room.

"Nice try, fat ass." Eda said, "Now get out of my castle."

Odalia pushed herself up and dusted off her shirt before charging at Eda again!

"I prefer to stay! It'll be mine when you're all dead!" She said as she sent her spirit to attack Eda.

Eda held out her hand and froze the spirit. She closed her fist, and the spirit was destroyed.

"I don't think it will."

Odalia threw a punch as Eda blocked, being pushed back as the blight mother continued to punch her back. As Eda and Odalia fought, Lilith ran at Caine with blue fire. Caine smirked as Lilith threw it at him. He took it full force and just brushed it off.

"How do you expect to defeat me when your little stunt just made me more powerful?" He asked, "You've burnt my nerves, I feel nothing."

"Then you should consider that mercy since you won't feel your body turn to ash!" Lilith shouted back.

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