Ch. 5: We Are Family Again

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Her head shot up as she looked towards Luz, seeing the human girl now had pointed ears and tears in her eyes as she gazed at Lilith.

'An altering spell must've been used in her ears as well.' Lilith thought before she slowly stood up.

"L-Lucenda, do you remember me?" Lilith asked, slowly crying as well.

Luz hugged her.

"Mama! I remember!" Luz said, "I remember my first spell! My first steps! Even my first book!"

Lilith hugged her back, smiling wider than ever before. Lilith was openly crying.

"I have my daughter back!" Lilith said, happily, "I can't wait until we get to do fun mother/daughter stuff! I can get you enrolled into School, I can help you with magic, I can see you get your staff!"

As the two hugged each other, Eda watched them with a bittersweet look on her face. She was happy Lilith had her daughter back and she had a new niece but she was sad that possibly lost her apprentice. Lilith noticed and stood up.

"Edalyn... It might take me a while before I have Lucenda's room set up. So... would it be alright if she stays here?"

"Huh?" Eda asked, not believing her ears.

"Well, you are her aunt and she does trust you. Who else would she be comfortable with?" Lilith asked her.

"Now, I will understand if you say-"

Lilith was cut off when Eda flung herself at Lilith. Wrapping her in a hug.

"Thank you." Eda said, "Come on, Kid, I'm going to teach you how to blow something up!"

"If it's a chance to use magic after ten years, sure!" Luz said as she grabbed King and ran off with Eda. "Bye, Mamá! Love you!"

Lilith smiled.

"I love you too!"

With a wave of the hand and new energy in her steps Lilith left the owl house to make arrangements for her daughter. School, a room in her home, training schedule, etc.

'So much to do in so little time! My heart is racing!' Lilith thought as she summoned her staff to fly away.

"I refuse to let my daughter wear the same hoodie everyday, because I know that Edalyn does laundry once a month." Lilith said, "Maybe this weekend I can take her out and get new clothes."

Shopping for clothes, a classic mother daughter activity. It would certainly bring them closer together but speaking of mothers, what would she do about......Camilia. She needs to talk to her, but that's a problem for later. Right now, she just wants to bond with her long lost daughter. Thought what neither of them could predict, was how the people of the Isles would react. Especially the Emperor, he had to have sensed Luz's magic by now. Belos stood up and walked to a window.

"Is everything alright, My Leige?" A guard asked.

"Yes, just... a feeling." He said, "Tell the Golden Guard to meet me in the throne room."

The guard bowed and went to tell the Golden Guard. Belos just stood there, knowing what just happened, he's willing to wait. Afterall, he'll have to see his granddaughter sooner or later.

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