Ch. 16: Love Only For You

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Lilith felt her breath hitch, her wife that she had not seen after ten years, was right in front of her and still as beautiful as the day they meet.

"Y-Y-Yes, Camila." Lilith stuttered out, blushing a bit.

Camila grabbed Lilith's hand and looked at her.

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for." Lilith said.

"I should've just listened to you and went to the castle. If I did none of this would've happened." Camila said, "I guess humans really are dumb."

"No! Camila, you are not dumb. Far from it." Lilith said as she caressed her cheek. "You are the most intelligent, beautiful, and amazing woman I've ever seen. Ever since I saw you in Hexside, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my Empress."

"E-Even after all this time?" Camilia asked, tears falling.

"I have not loved anyone else since and that will never change." Lilith said as she whiled the tears away and pulled Camilia into a kiss.

The two of them shared their kiss as Luz looked on.


Camilia broke the kiss in surprise as she turned to Luz, seeing her daughter with pointy ears staring at them.

"Luz?!" Camila asked in surprise.


"I know this may seem bad but this is a good thing. If Lucenda didn't come to the Isles, I never would've been here." Lilith said to Camilia.

Camila walked over to Luz.

"We will talk about this later, young lady."

"I know. Mami already grounded me if that helps." Luz said before she hugged her other mother.

Camila hugged her back.

'This little hybrid is going to give me a heart attack one day.' Camila thought.

After the family reunited, Camilia invited them inside the house to get to the point of their sudden drop in. Lilith wanted Camilia to come back with them to the Boiling Isles, despite the danger that drove her away returning.

"Beloved, I want you to come back. Come be my Empress and we can raise our princess together." Lilith said.

"But what about this people that were after us?" Camilia asked.

"It is being taken care of, darling. Father is assembling a force to deal with them." Lilith said to her.

"Lilith, I want to believe you, but I don't want something bad to happen to Luz."

"Please, my love. I want my wife back."

"And I can handle myself mom. When I got my memories back, my bile sack was unsealed. I can do magic now!" Luz said, drawing a spell circle to show her and teleport to the other side of the room. "See?"

"I just don't want to lose you." Camila said.

"I know, but I trust mama's judgement." Luz said.

"Okay, I'll go back." Camila said, "I'll grab my staff."

Drawing a spell circle, Camilia dropped an illusion spell that hid her pointy ears and held out her hand to summon her staff.

'I wonder what Mami's palisman is?' Luz thought.

A staff that... looked a lot like the Emperor's appeared in her hand.

 looked a lot like the Emperor's appeared in her hand

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"Wow." Luz said, "I was expecting something... else."

"Yes, well, it was a wedding gift." Camila said, "You see Mija, I might have magic, but I'm not a real witch. I was human when I entered the Boiling Isles. Shortly after you were born, your grandfather approached me and offered me a way to do magic. But until that happened, I had this."

Luz looked confused.

"She had her heart replaced with a witch's heart." Lilith explained, "It's the reason that you're half human even with two witches as parents."

"I guess that explains it." Luz said as Camila waved her staff and packed everything she needed in less than a minute.

"Let's go."

"So, I'm confused, is that why Lilith gave birth to me?" Luz asked.

"You came from a potion that would let us have a baby, there was no telling what would happen if a Human drank it, so I took it." Lilith said.

"Oh!" Luz said in surprise as they began to exit the house

'I wonder what would happen if I took it when I find the one?' Luz thought, 'Wait, why am I asking that, I'm only fourteen.'

Lilith rang the bell and the portal opened.

"But what about the house, mami?" Luz asked her.

"Nothing, Mija. We'll keep it and use it for whenever we want to return for a stay." Camilia said to Luz.

"Come on, I'm sure father will be glad to see his favorite daughter in law." Lilith said.

"And I can't wait to finally meet him." Luz said, stepping between her mothers.

The trio walked through the portal and back into the castle.

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