Ch. 6: Down Came the Rain

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A few days past since Luz or Lucenda as Lilith called her, regained her memories and regained her magic. She was practicing her magic when she noticed something... her spell circle was the same color as Lilith's. A beautiful blue color but Luz kind of wish it was a bright yellow.

'Well, beggars can't be choosers.' Luz thought as she was practicing her aim with a new spell.

"Now, let's just aim for the apple." She said.

She took special care for where she was aiming... when her mom came to pick her up.

"Lucenda, I'm here!"

Though she was happy, Luz jolted as she fired the spell and hit the Apple.

"I... guess I hit it." Luz said.

The spell she used? A little plant spell to help food grow faster but Luz put a little too much energy in it and caused an apple tree to instantly sprout in the yard, full of fresh and ripe apples.

"At least Hooty will have more to eat than bugs." Luz said before turning to smile at her mother, "Hi, Mama!"

The two shared a hug before Lilith looked over the tree Luz made. Nodding to her work, Lilith used her magic to pick an apple and take a bit.

"Mmm, very nice, Lucenda. It's very sweet." Lilith said as they walked towards the front of the house. "I take it you're interested in the plant track at Hexside?"

"Actually, I was sort of.....thinking of studying all tracks." Luz said to her mother.

Lilith practically choked on the apple.

"What!? That's not possible." Lilith said.

"It isn't? But don't the witches in the Emperor's Coven study and use all types of magic? I thought Hexside would have a track for that." Luz said as they stopped at the front door.

"Well, yes and no, sweetie. Yes, they do allow member of the coven to use all forms of magic but as a school student, you can only choose on track to focus on." Lilith explained to Luz.

"Well, then I will get them to change that rule." Luz said.

"And then your grandfather will kill me." Lilith said.

"Grandfather?" Luz asked in surprise before thunder was heard.

Looking up, both of them saw storm clouds forming as it began to rain. This caused Lilith to pull Luz close and summon a force field around them. It began to rain and a few drops hit Luz on the arm

"Aaah!" Luz screamed, holding her arm in pain. "Why does it hurt?"

"The weather in the demon realm is far different than the human world. The boiling rain burns as if it were acid." Lilith said as Eda came running to the house.

"Everyone inside!" She shouted to her sister and Luz.

Lilith picked up Luz and ran inside.

"I'm sorry, Lucenda, I guess we won't be having the mother/daughter day I had hoped."

"That's okay, mom. Any time spent with you is great to me." Luz said as she held her burnt spot. "It helps make up for the years we were apart."

Lilith smiled at Luz as she drew a spell circle to heal Luz's burn spot.

"That should help a little." Lilith said, kissing Luz's arm as an extra percussion, "I love you, Lu-Lu."

"I love you too, Mamá." Luz said as she hugged Lilith.

"Ugh! Must you two be so mushy?" Eda asked, walking into her house after putting a force field around the house.

"Oh, forgive me for loving my daughter." Lilith said, "Who I thought was dead for a decade, mind you."

"Eh whatever but since you're here, give her lesson while I rest. That force field took a lot out of me." Eda said, walking to the couch to sleep.

"Very well, come along, Lu-Lu, let's go upstairs so we won't bother her." Lilith said.

"Okay, Mamá. I can also show you my room, well closet." Luz said as she led Lilith upstairs.

"You sleep in a closet? Yet another reason I can't wait to move you into our home." Lilith said as she followed Luz.

"Hey, don't be hard on Aunt Eda. She could've just let me back to the Human World. This is more than enough."

"Nothing is enough for my little princess." Lilith said, "I'm going to make sure you have the biggest, softest, nicest bed on the Isles."

Luz giggled at her mother, thinking she will become very spoiled very quickly. Eventually they came to Luz's room/closet and entered the room, seeing King sleeping in her sleeping bag.

"So, this is my closet. Let me give you a tour." Luz said, "This is my bed...what did you think of the tour?"

"It's a little short." Lilith said.

"Well, I would like to come out of the closet... I didn't mean it like that!" Luz said.

Luz waved her hands, blushing a bit at the way it sounded.

"Hehehehe, it's alright sweetie. I get it but I would've accepted you either way. Now, how about we move on with the lesson? I believe I have one in mind." Lilith said to her.

"What one?" Luz asked, "Is it a powerful one that will let me become a powerful god!?"

"Oh goodness no! That level isn't for a Hexside student, even if you have a lot of potential." Lilith said as Luz sat down in front of her. "Though it is an impressive level, a teleportation spell."

Luz got excited.

"Teleportation!? That's so cool!"

Lilith chuckled at her daughter's antics.

"Yes, it is "cool." It's a versatile spell for long distance travel and short distance bursts, all you have to do is envision where you want to go before you cast the spell." Lilith said to Luz, drawing a spell circle to show her.

Luz watch as her mother disappeared in an instant before appearing behind her but Luz didn't know that. Not until Lilith poked Luz's shoulder to make her jump and turn to her.

"Just like that." Lilith said with a smile.

"So, like this?"

Luz makes a spell circle, which made Lilith smile.

'She has my spell circle.'

"Yes, now just focus on the spell and where you want to go." Lilith said to her with a nod.

"Okay." Luz said before she thought of where she wanted to go.

She disappeared, only to reappear, with her arms around Lilith's waist.

"The only place I want to be is near you." Luz said.

Lilith smiled and hugged Luz. So much time to make up and making so many moments, it's crazy but love is never not crazy. Thought this moment came to an end when the lights of the house suddenly went out.

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