Ch. 14: Witty Banter

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In the castle, Eda walked into her old room.

"Hasn't changed a bit."

Eda walked over to her desk and reached into drawer. She pulled out her old tiara.

"I wonder if this still fits."

Going to her mirror, Eda stood in front of it and placed the crown on her head. It was a bit smaller, but it still fit her hair as Eda looked over herself.

"Not bad."

"It certainly isn't." Lilith said, standing in the doorway.

"Did you ever imagine we would be back in our old rooms, Lily?"

"Honestly no. We wanted to prove ourselves as witches, not as princesses. Though I knew one day I would have to take the throne and come back." Lilith said, walking to her sister.

"Yeah, well, by the end of the summer, you'll be the Emperor."

"Yes, I suppose I will reach the age of inheritance by then." Lilith said as a coven guard came into the room.

"Forgive the intrusion, but I'm here to report that Golden Guard has returned with your daughter, Lilith." He said to her.

Lilith quickly went to find Luz.

"And there's the worried mother." Eda said, removing her tiara and running after her.

It didn't take long for the "Mama Bird" to find her "Chick".

"Lu-Lu, are you hurt?"

Lilith looked her over for any wounds and thankfully found none.

"She's fine, Lily. I made it in time and took care of the group before they reached her room." G.G. said to her.

"Thank you, Hunter." Lilith said to him.

"You can thank me by not inviting me to Poker night again." Hunter said.

"Why, that was such a good night." Eda said.

"You cheated." Hunter said.

"You can't prove that." Eda said to him.

Hunter pulled out a scroll and played a video of Eda literally saying as she left, "By the way, I cheated. Thanks for the cash! Byyyeee!"

Luz chuckled at this as Lilith rolled her eyes at her.

"And this is why I am NEVER playing poker with you again, especially if you change it to strip poker." Hunter said to her.

Lilith covered Luz's ears.

"Can we not talk about this with her here?"

"She's a big girl, she can handle it." Eda said.

"She's still a baby to me Edalyn."

Eda smirked.

"And to think, you used to be the crybaby of the family." Eda said as Hunter chuckled at her.

"I'm clearly the only mature one." Lilith said.

"In my defense, I'm only sixteen." Hunter said.

"And I'm fourteen. And I don't mind being mom's little baby." Luz said, still hearing them with her ears covered.

Lilith hugged Luz.

"Guh!" Eda said as she walked away faster.

The rest of the family followed her, hoping she was leading them to Luz's new room.

"Hey, aunt Eda, about the fountain-"

Lilith covered Luz's mouth.

"No, no, we don't need to talk about that."

"Do you really still have it?" Hunter asked in surprise.

"You know about it?" Luz asked after uncovering her mouth.

"Yeah, passed out from it. I still wonder why you haven't gotten rid of it or remodeled it to be decent." Hunter said to Lilith.

"Maybe because Lily likes seeing herself naked." Eda said with a smirk.

"No, it's because you put a spell on it that prevents me from removing it!"

Eda chuckled as they reached the room, turning to her fuming sister.

"Oh yeah, I forgot that." Eda said with a smirk.

"I will actually kill you one day." Lilith said.

"You've been saying that for twenty years."

"And you still haven't done it yet." Hunter said as he nudged his cousin. "Face it, Lily. It's just an empty threat now."

Lilith looked ready to explode.

Luz quickly calmed down her mother by changing the subject.

"Hey! How about after we look at my new room, we explore the castle a bit? I mean it's so big, it probably has some cool things inside it." Luz said to her family.

"She's right." Eda said, "Calm your tits and show your daughter around."

"Do not talk about t-my chest in front of my daughter." Lilith said to her sister.

"Please, like she never saw them before?" Eda said, "You breast fed her."

Lilith, once again, covered Luz's ears.

"Most kids don't remember that." Luz said, a little loud.

Eda just laughed.

"And I'll never forget Lily calling for daddy while squeezing you out."

Hunter laughed wildly as Lilith blushed in embarrassment. Lilith made a spell circle and Hunter's hood went over his mask.

"That's right, I have magic." Lilith said, with a smirk, "I forgot for a bit."

"Yeah, rub it in my face will you." Hunter said as he pulled his hood off his helmet.

Lilith pulled Luz away from them.

"Let's look inside your room, Lucenda." Lilith said to her.

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