Ch. 26: Reconnecting

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Meanwhile with said alcoholic, Eda had arrived back home and was currently explaining everything to King and Hooty.....after they calmed down from seeing her younger appearance.

"So, yeah, I got my younger body back." Eda said, "My hair doesn't feel stiff and old person like. Which I know you'll like, King."

"Um, yeah sure but can you go back to the part where YOU'RE A PRINCESS?!" He asked in shock!

He was practically raised by Eda yet she never told him once she was Belos' adopted daughter!

"What, I don't think it's a big deal."

"Hoot! How can it not be a big deal?! You're a princess and you chose to live like this?! Not that I don't mind but still!" Hooty shouted at Eda!

"I had an estranged relationship with him for a while." Eda said.

"And why is it better now?" King asked.

".....I guess because we found out Luz was Lily's daughter." Eda said with a smirk, remembering how happy Lilith was when she found out, "I knew that kid was special."

"It sounds like a mush fairy tale. I didn't think those could be real." King commented.

"Every fairy tale and legend has truth behind it, King. Hoot. Most are just changed or lost to history." Hooty said, being smart for a moment.

"Regardless, I'm going to bed, I've been up for hours." Eda said.

Eda heard up to her room and planned to take a long nap in her nest.

'Wait, will I still find it comfortable since I'm cruse free now?' Eda thought.

"I guess there's only one way to find out."

Eda stepped into her room and walked to her nest, changing into her bed clothes with a spell circle before dropping inside.

"Still pretty nice." She said, "It'll work for now."

'At least until I can buy the most expensive bed with that huge paycheck.' Eda thought as she fell asleep.

In the castle, Camila was watching Luz sleep. She felt guilty about keeping this secret from Luz. So many years of telling her to fit in, telling her to be normal in the human realm. All wasted to try and keep them "safe" when in reality, she was censoring her own daughter.

"I'm a bad mother."

"No, you're not." Lilith said as she walked up behind her You brought her to a place that would keep her safe. You were acting as a single parent and did your best. If I thought you weren't a good parent, then I wouldn't have taken that potion."

"It still doesn't make it right. Luz was so unique and free with what she loved, not caring what others thought at the time. And I tried to censor that out of fear." Camila said as she sniffled a bit.

"Beloved, she is home. She can be who she is truly meant to be know. She can be the Princess, she can be a witch, she can be everything she wasn't in the Human Realm." Lilith said.

"Yes, I know." Camilia said, smiling as she wiped away forming tears. "And I'll support her 100%."

"We both will." Lilith said.

Lilith held Camila close and the two shared a big kiss. A kiss they had not shared in so long. When they separated, they looked at each other.

"Maybe we should move this to my room." Lilith said.

"Agreed." Camilia said with a smile.

The two went to Lilith room and began to remove clothes. The two would have to put up a soundproof barrier for they would enjoy a LONG night of reconnecting as lovers and wives.

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