Ch. 17: Good and Bad to be Home

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Meanwhile on the other side of the portal, Eda has told Hunter and Belos about Camilia returning to the demon realm.

"I haven't seen her in so long. I wonder if she kept the staff?" Belos asked.

"I would say she did. I mean, who wouldn't?" Hunter asked with a shrug.

"Plus, it's the last gift she has from here before she left."

"I wonder how she'll react to the fountain." Belos said.

"She the one that gave me the idea." Eda said.

Belos and Hunter looked shocked under their masks, not expecting that from Eda.

"...I wonder if she'll tell Lilith and Luz it was her idea?" Hunter wondered aloud.

"100% not." Belos said.

Belos had to say that or else Lilith would never stop talking about and complaining to Camilia about how she could do it to her. The trio finally arrived. The family all stood together, 3 across from 3 as Eda clicked the key to close the portal.

"Hello Camila." Belos said.

"Hello, Belos. It's nice to see you again." Camilia said as she waved to him.

Luz walked up to Belos.

"So, you're my grandfather?"

"Indeed, I am, Lucenda." Belos said as he gently rubbed her head, tousling her hair as well. "It is a pleasure to properly meet you. Despite watching you dozens of times while you were a toddler, I never had the chance before Camilia had to run with you."

Belos almost had the air knocked out of him when Luz hugged him.

'Such a strong grip.' He thought as he hugged back.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Grandpa." She said with a smile.

Under his mask, Belos smiled.

"Lucenda, why don't you go with Golden Guard, while I talk to your parents and aunt."

"Okay, grandpa." Luz said as she broke the hug and walked to Hunter.

They walked around the corner and Belos looked at Camila.

"How's the heart?"

Camilia put a hand in her chest, feeling her witch heart was beating at a normal rate.

"Well, I'm still breathing."

"And your magic output? Is it stable?" He asked her.

"Yes. Though holding an illusion spell for so long is tiring, it's nothing a good night's sleep can't fix." Camilia said as she gestured to her staff, the light blue orb glowing bright. "The staff still works as well, even after a decade of disuse."

"I'm sure it can use a small update." Belos said.

Nodding to her father-in-law, Camilia handed the staff to him as he looked it over.

'Parts are fine, no signs of rust, and the artificial core is intact.' He thought, evaluating it.

"A little dust, but other than that it seems that you've kept it in good shape." Belos said, "Now, I think we all know what the problem is."

"Yeah, dad. It's the same group that drove Cam out, they're back." Eda said for them.

"And as we feared, they already know of Luz and are targeting her." Lilith said with a frown.

"There's a reason I didn't want Hunter in here for this." Belos said, "I've been looking into who is behind this. It's... Hunter's father... Caine."

The three women fell silent with dropped jaws as they could assume a fly in the room could be heard more than them! Hunter's father, Belos' brother and Luz's granduncle was hunting Camilia and Luz!

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