Ch. 25: Family Planning

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Low and behold, standing in front of Eda was her ex-partner from about 10 or so years ago and the next head witch of the Bard Coven, Raine Whispers.

"Eda?!" Raine asked in shock, blushing as they held a pile of papers in their arms.

"H-h-hey, Raine. It's been a while." Eda said.

"H-H-Hello, Edalyn. I-It has been some time." Raine said, looking at as they adjusted their glasses. "I-I never thought you would be here again unless you were a prisoner."

"What can I say, pops got a soft spot for his youngest daughter." Eda said, "So, how have you been?"

"Good. Good. Just.... studying up for taking the position as the Bard Coven head." Raine said, gesturing to the papers in her hands.

"Well, that's nice. Looks like we'll be co-workers." Eda said, showing Raine the Coven patch.

Raine looked at the patch and couldn't believe it, dropping all of their papers along with their jaw!

"You actually joined?! You?!" Raine shouted in shock, grabbing their head to try and comprehend this!

"Relax, it's fake." Eda said, "It's just so I can stop being arrested."

"Oh. That makes more sense." Raine said, calming down. "Actually, it's surprising you didn't think of that years ago. It would've saved you a lot of trouble with the law."

"Had I known that was an option." Eda said, "Besides, I would've joined instantly if I knew how much that check was."

Raine shook their head as they kneeled to pick up the papers.

"Of course, you would join for the money." Raine said before noticing Eda's appearance, how she looked much younger than she should've if the wanted posters were the example.

"Have you... had some work done?"

"Oh! That's right, I.... didn't exactly tell you the truth of my condition the day we broke up." Eda said, knelling down with Raine to help them pick up the papers, "Long story short, I'm cured."

"Cured?" Raine said in confusion.

"I didn't tell you, but I was cursed years ago, and I didn't want to bring you into it. I've hurt someone I care about that way, so I kept it to myself." Eda said as she picked up half the papers.

"Cursed? You didn't think to tell me? I could've helped!"

"Firstly, don't raise your voice to me, I am a princess. Secondly, it doesn't matter now. Dad cured me after a certain "incident." Not a bad one but a good one." Eda said, not revealing Luz until Belos would make some sort of royal decree.

"Well, i-i-it's good to see you." Raine said.

"Yeah. Good to see you too, Raine Storm." Eda said as she handed Raine their papers. "I guess we'll be seeing each around again, at coven meetings and such."

"Y-Yeah. I guess we will." Raine said, holding all their papers again.

If there was one thing Eda hated about having Belos as her father, it was the fact that he could always keep an eye on them in the castle! No matter where they were, he could know and read their minds instantly! She got in a lot of trouble in their youth because Eda could never get away with lying in the castle.

"I've gotten out of touch with doing that." Eda said, "I should practice a little."

'I could help.' He thought!

'GET OUT OF MY HEAD, DAD!' Eda mentally screamed to her father!

'I just got back, and I already have a headache.' Lilith thought, "What is going on?'

'Edalyn just reconnected with an old crush.' Belos said with a teasing tone.

'Dad invaded my mental privacy!' Eda said with a whine.

'I won't lie, I did not miss this.' Lilith thought.

'Neither did I!' Eda thought as she began to leave the castle, she would have a LOT to explain to King and Hooty.

'So, you and Raine?' Lilith thought.

'Nope, I'm gone!' Eda thought, quickly getting on her staff and leave.

'Oh Eda! Don't go! We can help you get back together!' Lilith thought.

'And she's gone.' Belos thought.

'.....We're still going to help get them together, right?' Lilith thought.

'Of course! Lucenda can even help too when we tell her.' Belos thought.

'Perfect!' Lilith thought.

A new plan came to the Clawthorne family, a plan to get those two loveless witches together!

'Father, I'm making my way to the throne room so we can talk.'

'And Lucenda?' Belos asked her.

'She's resting. She had a rough training session.'

'Ah, I see. Better let her rest, we can tell her of the plan later.' Belos thought.

Lilith walked to the throne room. The room was cleared for her and Belos to talk alone, this wasn't official coven business. This was family business.

"Now, how to get Raine and Eda back together, because we both remember how long it took the first time." Lilith said.

"Yes, it was so painful to peak in their study sessions." Belos said as he shook his head.

"Yes, and that incident when we practiced for Raine recital. I got a massive concussion from that." Lilith said as she rubbed her head.

"Who knew a violin could be such a weapon?" Belos asked.

"Edalyn probably if she joined the Bard Track in school." Lilith bluntly said.

"And that's why I never allowed her to take that class."

The two of them had a little laugh before they continued with their plan making to get Eda and Raine back together.

"As the future leader of the Emperor's Coven, she has a right be with the other's at Raine's ceremony, right?" Belos asked.

"Yes, but she's not the "official" leader yet. She can join me as my second in command though if she wears a cloak." Lilith said.

"Well, then I think there's one around here. It might be in her closet."

"I meant an official coven cloak, her red cloak stands out too much." Lilith said.

"Ah, I have just the thing."

He walked out and came back with a full Emperor's Coven suit. It was a lot nicer than most of them, showing that she is more important than a common guard.

"I've had these made years ago just for you and Edalyn."

"Perfect." Lilith said with a smile, "Although, I think I can see one place for improvement."

Lilith made a spell circle, and the mask went from being a bland grey mask, to a silver owl mask.

"Hmm, agreed. That mask does look better." Belos said with a nod.

"Now, all we have to do is make sure that she shows up." Lilith said.

"Well, I can just tell her she'll get paid." Belos said.

"Yes, I believe that can work but it might not be enough." Lilith said.

"Are you suggesting that Edalyn may find out our plan?"

"Possibly, unless we can distract her long enough." Lilith said.

"Well, I have a way to distract her." Belos said, "Unfortunately, it involves Apple Blood."

"Ah, yes, use your daughter's alcoholism against her." Lilith said.

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