Ch. 35: A Friend in Need

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Luz looked with wonder at the school.

"This place is so cool!"

"Didn't you already see I when you posed as an abomination?" Amity asked her.

"Not all of it!" Luz said with a smile, "You sort of miss some things when you're running for your life."

"Yes, and I would like to apologize for that." Amity said as she scratched the back her head.

"Hey, water under the bridge." Luz said before she quickly explained. "It's a human saying meaning there's no hard feelings."

"Thanks." Amity said, "Luz, can I tell you something?"

"Sure. You can tell me anything." Luz said to her.

"I..." Amity lifted her sleeve, revealing a dark blue bruise.

Luz gasped as she went to Amity, gently holding her arm as she inspected the bruise.

"Amity! What happ-" Luz covered her mouth as she looked around the empty hallway.

"Keep your voice down, please." Amity said softly.

"Who did this?"

"... my mom."

Luz gapped at this, unable to understand HOW a mother could do this to their child. It was so shocking that Luz didn't hesitate to use a healing spell, something her mothers didn't even teach her yet, to help Amity.

"We're talking about this. NOW."

Amity didn't seem to notice as her injuries healed so quickly and thoroughly, before Luz lead her away from the hallway. They entered an empty room.

"Alright, talk."

Amity couldn't explain it but even when Luz looked serious to her, she had this warm aura that just let her know she could trust her.

'Princess or not, you're a good person, Luz.' Amity thought before she told Luz about her home life.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am going to kill your mother." Luz said with a glare.

"No, Luz, don't-"

"Amity, I have to do something! This isn't right!" Luz screamed as she showed righteous fury. "A mother should protect and nurture their child, not use them like some puppet or tool for their own benefit!"

Amity grabbed the hem of her uniform and closed her eyes.

"I don't know what to do!" Amity said.

"Why didn't you tell my mom? She's your mentor, right? You can trust her." Luz said to Amity.

"If people find out, then I'll get in trouble."

"You're already in trouble! Amity, in the human world, they would never stand for that kind of abuse! They care about people in your situation and work to get you out of it." Luz said as she held Amity's hands. "I know your worried about trouble, but I want to help you, just tell me you want my help."

"I... I... I..."

Amity leaned against Luz's shoulder and cried, years of pent-up emotions bubbling up to the surface. Luz hugged her close, letting Amity cry on her shoulder.

"Amity, talk to my moms, they'll help."

Amity didn't say anything as she nodded into her shoulder, wanting help and no longer keeping quiet out of fear.

"Come on, dry those eyes, you'll be safe." Luz said, "I promise."

"Okay." Amity said as she dried her eyes.

'When was the last time I cried like this?' Amity thought to herself, having not cried in a long time.

"Come on, let's walk around, get your mind off this for a minute."

Amity nodded to Luz as they left the classroom but she didn't let go of Luz's hand yet, it made Amity feel safe like a security blanket and she didn't want to lose that security yet. In the office, Lilith and Camila came out.

"Glad we could come to an agreement." Camila said.

"And I'm glad you didn't kill him like I and possibly he worried you would." Lilith commented.

"Mi amor, I would never go that far unless it was necessary." Camilia said as she unsummoned her staff.

"I can think of all the times you did something 'Necessary' back in our Hexside days." Lilith said.

"That was different. I was a teenager then, now I am a mother." Camilia said as they walked after from Bump's office.

"That just sounds like an excuse." Lilith said to her.

"That's because it is, I but I can use that if I want."

Lilith rolled her eyes at this before seeing Luz and Amity walking down the hall towards them, most likely already done with the tour of Hexside.

"Lucenda, Amity. Good news, everything is in order an-" Lilith stopped talking as she saw her student's face with tear stains and her eyes a bit red from crying. "Amity, is something wrong?"

"We're talking about this in private." Luz said.

Lilith and Camilia could see the seriousness in her eyes and wondered just how serious this was to make her this way.

"What's the matter?"

"It's something important." Luz said as Amity nodded to this.

"Okay, we're done, let's go back to the Castle and-"

"There's too many people at the castle." Luz said, "We're going to the mansion, and Amity's coming with us."

Camilia and Lilith were once again surprised by how serious Luz was about this. Whatever this was concerning Amity, it must've been something very troubling.

'And if it is, why hasn't she told me about it yet?' Lilith thought as she looked to Amity.

Before Luz was revealed to be alive after all this time, Lilith saw Amity like a new daughter. Not to replace Lucenda but to protect and nurture all the same.

"Come on, let's go then." Camila said.

"And when we get there, Lucenda, cover her eyes." Lilith said, not wanting Amity to see the statue.

"Got it, mom." Luz said with a nod.

They got onto Camila and Lilith's staffs and took off towards the manor.

'I wonder why Lilith said for Luz to cover my eyes?' Amity thought.

They landed and Luz covered Amity's eyes. They opened the door and walked in. Camila immediately walked towards the statue.

"Oh, I missed this." She said.

"Of course you would." Lilith said with a blush.

"How could I not? It's a wonderful work of art if you ask me." Camilia said with a smile, gesturing to the statue.

"Yeah, we have difference of opinions on that." Luz said, "Can we get away from it before I decide to do a fire spell on my eyes?"

"Is the statue really that bad?" Amity asked, her eyes still covered.

"Yes!/Yes!/No." Lilith and Luz said against Camilia, the princess quickly guiding Amity away.

"Let's go the living room to talk." Luz said, getting away from the statue of her naked mother.

"I agree." Lilith said.

Camila followed as well, still not seeing the problem with the statue.

'I should have Eda do more around the house.' Camila thought.

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