Ch 18: Let The Healing Begin.

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"I thought you said he was dead." Eda said.

"I thought he was. He burned right in front of me." Belos said.

"Maybe he used some sort of illusion to trick us or maybe even a dark spell." Camilia suggested.

"So, what do we do about this?" Lilith asked.

"I suggest training. Not only for Camilia and Edalyn after I remove her curse, but for Lucenda as well." Belos said as the girls look at him. "I don't like the thought of it, but she will have to fight for her life when the times comes."

Lilith felt her breath hitch. Luz could barely fight a child her age, there was no way she could fight this

'Even though her magic is unsealed, and she's interested in learning quickly, it may not be enough. She's going to need more training if she's going to reach a level she can protect herself.' Lilith thought with worry.

"Father, what is he planning?"

"I'm not sure but whatever it is, it must involve Luz. That is why we must protect her, whatever he wants her for cannot be pleasant." Belos said as Luz was being shown the relics room.

"Oh, these are awesome!"

"Yeah. They are. Each one is a sacred treasure of the main nine covens, allowing anyone who wields them great power but you have to be careful how you wield that power." Hunter said as he gestured to one of them, a wooden gauntlet. "Like this one, the Plant Coven's Green Thumb Gauntlet. It can grow any kind of plant so long as you can imagine it."

"Then why are some trees endangered? Aunt Eda said that the wood a palisman is made from are rare."

"Well, that type of wood is hard to grow because we don't fully understand it." Hunter said to her.

"Oh, what's this one?"

Hunter turned to the next relic, a blue witch hat with fur at the top and a hand shaped feather.

"That would be the Healing Hat of the Healing Coven. Legend says it can heal injury and lift any curse but I think due to time and unknown uses, its power is weak, really can only be used for small things like broken bones." Hunter said as Luz looked over it.

"So, it could heal Eda if it has enough?" Luz asked as Hunter shrugged.

"Maybe but it's a gamble." He said to her.

"Besides, Uncle said he would heal Eda's curse."

"I know but still, if we need it, it'll be good to use." Luz said as she grabbed the hat, feeling the magic coursing through her. "Wow, I can actually feel how powerful this is."

Hunter quickly took the hat from her.

"Don't do that, anyone that has tried to use it without proper training has died!" He said, "And I know Lily will kill me if her heir is killed on my watch."

"Oh, sorry Hunter." Luz said as he put the hat back on the pedestal.

"I just don't want anyone in my family to get hurt. Not after my father..."

"Your father?" Luz asked.

Before she could get an answer, Belos contacted them telepathically. Frightening Luz a bit as Hunter remained calm.

"Alright, he wants to see us." Hunter said.

"What was that?"

"Don't worry you'll get used to it, just something he is capable of doing, allows him to contact family from great distances."

"Okay.... still a bit unsettling." Luz said as she and Hunter left the relic room.

"You better get used to it, Lilith and Eda know how to do it too."

Luz didn't reply to that as they walked to the throne room but as they did, left heard a loud beating sound that was getting louder as they got closer.

"Do you hear that?" Luz asked Hunter.

"Oh that? It's just the Titan's heart." Hunter said like it was no big deal.

"You need to realize; I don't understand anything here." Luz said.

"Which actually surprises me, you were born in this castle."

"Do you not know newborns don't remember when they're born?" Luz replied.

"Nope. If you haven't noticed, I don't get out much. I don't even take my mask off in front of people."

"But what about family?" Luz asked as Hunter came to a stop. "We are cousins or you're my uncle, I guess? Anyway, I'd still like to see what my family looks like."

"Maybe later, right now, we need to see what's going on."

Nodding to Hunter, the two of them continued walking to the throne room and saw the giant, green beating heart above the throne.

'Dios mios!' Luz thought with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, "That is a big heart."

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