Ch. 39: Home Planning

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Lilith and Camila landed outside the mansion.

"You know, it still feels weird to be here." Camila said, "I thought I left forever."

"I did too but I'm glad we were both wrong. It never felt like home without you and Lucenda." Lilith said with a smile.

"Speaking of, let's see how's she doing."

The two wives headed into the mansion and towards the sound of magic being performed.

"She must be practicing in the back." Camila said.

The entered the back and saw Luz, with her friends on the ground.

"Okay, maybe I practiced a little too hard." Luz said.

"You think?" Gus asked with a groan as he tried to lean up.

"At least your magic output has improved. You didn't pass out like last time." Amity said, trying to be positive.

"Well, it seems we weren't the only ones having fun." Lilith said.

"Indeed." Camila said as she held her staff out. "Let's fix them up, shall we?"

With a wave of her staff, all of the children were healed as Belos walked over to his daughter and daughter-in-law. Luz noticed them and smiled widely at them.

"Mom! Mami!" Luz said as she got up and rushed to hug them.

"Hello, Honey, how was your day?" Lilith asked.

"It was good. And I'd like you guys to meet my friends!" Luz said as she gesturing to her friends. "You already know Amity, but not Willow and Gus."

"So, you are the first friends Luz made." Camila said with a smile to them. "I can't thank you enough for accepting my daughter as a friend."

"Oh no! It's an honor to have Luz as a friend, even more before she was revealed to be the missing princess." Willow said with her hands up.

"Please, she is the same girl you knew before. Don't let this change how you act around her." Lilith said.

"It won't but is just amazing at how Luz can do magic now and just how much she can do now." Gus said.

"Well, I'm glad she has friends." Lilith said.

"Lilith." Belos said, "May I speak with you... in private?"

Lilith turned to her father, seeing his eyes to show how serious this was and nodded to him.

"Of course, father." Lilith said as she and Belos walked away from the group for a moment. "What do you wish to discuss?"

"Caine and his plan. I know why he wishes to kidnap Lucenda and have thought of a countermeasure to recent it." Belos said to her.

"What are we supposed to do?" Lilith asked.

"I fear... she may need to stay at the castle."

Lilith looked at him and shook her head. She just got her baby back, she wasn't about to let her go again.

"Absolutely not."

Belos sighed.

"I had a feeling you would say that. My second plan is to have coven members be hidden in plain sight and protect her without Lucenda knowing." He said to Lilith.

"That may be the only choice."

"I figured you would like that. I'll have the covens best members on this, including Edalyn now that her power is back to one hundred percent." Belos said.

"Good." Lilith said as she looked back to Luz, seeing her smiling as Camila was talking with Gus, Willow, and Amity. "And what of Caine and his ludicrous plan?"

"He will fail, and his plan will fail." Belos said.

"It better, I just got Mi Bebe back, I can't lose her again." Lilith said.

"I know, and you won't. " Belos said as Camila walked over to them.

"So, what's the problem."

Belos had explained to her of Caine's plan he heard from the Titan and his counter plan to ensure Luz wouldn't be taken, something that Camila appreciated like Lilith, but she was still furious over what that bastard Caine was planning for Luz.

"If I get my hands on him... ¡Empujaré mi pie tan lejos por su que estará tosiendo esmalte de zapatos!"

Belos was glad he didn't speak Spanish, because if Lilith's face is any indication, he probably didn't want to know what that meant.

'That is very disgusting.' Lilith thought, gagging a bit from the threat.

"Why don't you two go back to the group." Belos suggested, trying to save his daughter from throwing up.

"Yes, I'm sure Lucenda wants to tell us more about her friends." Lilith said with a nod, forcing her bile down and keeping it there.

"Then let's go, my Love." Camila said.

The mother took each other's hands and walked back to the group as Hunter walked up to Belos.

"I'll assembled the protection team immediately." Hunter said to him.

"Good, we can't let him get Luz."

Meanwhile, with the target of their ire, Caine was looking over the final preparations for his portal.

"Status report." Caine said as one of his followers walked up to him.

"Everything is going as planned, as soon as you acquire the power source, we'll be able to begin phase 2 of the plan."

"Excellent. And even though it's slim, I do hope to gain her as an heir once the human realm is mine." Caine said with a smirk, "Now, it's time to get my power source."

Caine turned away from the portal and began to assemble his forces. Since a surprise attack didn't work at Raine's coven head inauguration, Caine was going for a full assault with a small army behind him.

"Now, let's get to my Niece's manor."

May Titan have mercy on both sides of this war as it's ending draws near.

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