Chapter 29

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I was beginning to get nervous but it faded when I realized he was just testing the chips as he connected them to a laptop in front of him.

I made it look like a was drinking the champagne as I wait for him to check. When he finally smiled he then looked back at me. "Perfect, as promised." He said and I smile at him.

"Ivan." He called and the man from earlier approached me and opened the briefcase and showed it to me. I then smile at the man and grab the case from him and closed it.

"Pleasure doing business with you Mr. Scorpion." I said and smiled as I stood up. "You too." He said and I walked back to the door.

"Wait." He said again making the men stop me from leaving.

"Yes, Mr. Scorpion?" I asked innocently as I turned around. "You're husband told me that the both of you were low on cash but you don't even check or count the cash?" He asked and I noticed his skeptical look.

I start to get nervous as I saw the men put their hands over their weapons. "Well, I think because I'm way too trusting because of my idol Mary Poppins." I said and a sniper shot the man beside me.

I then quickly went behind the dead man who's been shot and quickly shot one of the men with the dead man's gun as I try to cover myself with his body. The sound was deafening as I could hear multiple gunshots in the room

Suddenly I heard a crash from the windows drawing the attention of the men. "Don't shoot the fat guy! He's the Scorpion!" I yell since I think we need him alive.

"What the fuck did you call me?" Scorpion asked as he got his gun and shot at me.

I then hid behind the dead man as I can't really shoot back and Sam, Steve, and Gisele were taking care of all the other men. Not even a minute passed and the fighting stops making me sigh in relief.

I was now sitting on the ground with the dead man in front of me that I use as a shield. I made sure to sit our crouch since that would make me a smaller target

"Get your hands off me!" I heard Scorpion say as I push the dead man's body away from me and noticed Gisele approaching me.

"Told you it was going to be fine." I said and smiled at her but she hit me on my head. "Ow! What was that for?" I asked

"That could've been dangerous! You could've been hurt!" She yelled at me making me roll my eyes since she's being such a mom. "But I didn't though." I said and shrugged.

"Thank you for the help agent L/N." Steve said making me look at him. "No problem Cap." I said and smiled

"Wait! You're captain america?! Can I get your autograph?" Scorpion asked making Sam look at him in disbelief

"The only thing you're getting is a prison cell." Sam said to scorpion which made him lose his smile.

"Come on, let's go back to the compound." Steve said and I nodded.


When we arrived at the compound it was the middle of the night. So Rogers and Wilson took care of the prisoner while Gisele and I went to bed for a few hours to rest.

We didn't bother waking anyone up and just went straight to our respective rooms and slept. After a few hours, I was awoken by a knock on my door making me groan.

"Come in!" I yell as I rubbed my eyes and yawned at the same time. I looked over and saw Riley and Gisele inside my room with mixed emotions on their face.

"Boss, you're father is looking for you. He's outside the compound." Riley immediately said as she held a tablet in her hand.

I then immediately stood up in shock while my jaw was open. "W-why is he here?" I asked as I looked at Riley while Gisele went beside me to hold my hand.

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