Chapter 20

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I was now in my office looking over some SHIELD files. I needed to know everything about anyone that can be a threat since I can't let what happened with Scott happen again.

"Do you not rest?" Natasha asked as she was just standing behind me all this time. "Not really." I say simply.

I look over to the files of Hydra agents that were hiding inside SHIELD and made sure every last one of them was dead. "Sit down agent. Your hovering is bothering me." I said as i continue looking at the monitor.

She then sat on the seat on the seat in front of my desk while I kept reading. "Technically, I'm an assistant so how can I assist?" She asked making me look up from her.

"Go and check if every Hydra agent that was hiding in SHIELD is dead. Check everything, even the medical reports. If you find something tell me."

I then passed her a tablet so she can check while I look at over my monitor and do a threat evaluation. We both were silent as we were working.

I was about to look at the next Hydra agent when I realized who it was. "You fought with the Winter Soldier, right?" I asked making her look up at me.

"Steve and I did." She said and I leaned on my chair. "Do you know where he is?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Rogers wanted to find him since Barnes was his best friend and was brainwashed but he came up with nothing." She said and I hummed as I look over to the ceiling.

"Riley, can you come to my office please?" I asked in the comms as Natasha looked at me but I just ignored it. "Be there in a minute boss." Riley replied

"Go back to work agent. Tell me if you find something." I said as i looked back at Natasha who just rolled her eyes at me.

After a minute I heard a knock on my door making me look towards it. "Come in." I said and the door opened revealing Riley who entered my room and glanced at Natasha before her gaze went over to me.

"You wanted to see me, boss?" She asked and I nodded. "Didn't you say you were working on a program called FR-1507?" I asked and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh yeah. It's a new facial recognition program I've been working on." She said and I motioned her to come over.

When she was behind me I pulled up the only photograph of Barnes aka the Winter Soldier. "When it's up and running find out where this man is." I told her as she looked over the picture.

"It might take a few months boss." She said and I smile at her. "It's fine. You don't need to rush. Just tell me when it's finished and I'll send you the photo." I reassured her and she nodded.

"Can your new facial recognition program recognize a person even if their face is burned?" Natasha asked making us look at her. "That depends on the facial scarring and how bad is it." Riley answered.

"Why? What have you found?" I asked and she stood up and showed me the tablet and i frown as i saw Rumlow's face and files. "I thought you and Rogers killed him already." I said looking back at Natasha.

"I thought so too. We dropped a building on him. But there's no report of his body being found. But I did find a John Doe that was brought in the hospital with burns all over his body." Natasha said as she swiped on the tablet to let me see

"And you think it's him?" Riley asked as I look over the medical report. "Maybe. Or it may just be a coincidence." Natasha said and I pass her the tablet after I finish reading.

"I don't believe in coincidences and I'm not risking the safety of everyone on the chance that this is." I said and looked over to Riley. "Find out where this John Doe is and report back to me." I instructed her and she nodded.

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