Chapter 45

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Y/n's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place that had a familiar scent. I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital.

I struggled to sit up and yank the blanket to see the full extent of my injuries. I noticed that my torso was bandaged up, but other than that I could only see a few lacerations.

Wait. How's Ele?

I quickly yanked on the wires that were connected to me. Once I removed the wires the machines started beeping causing staff and security to rush towards my room.

The staff and security were trying to stop me and force me to lie down again but I used every bit of my strength to push them all off.

"Let her go." A stern voice said making them stop and move aside showing me Natasha. "I'm assuming that you'd want to see her?" She asked with a bittersweet smile which I just ignored and nodded in response.

She then looked or more like glared at the nurses who were trying to push me down. They all hung their head low as they avoided her eyes as she walked towards me with a wheelchair.

"Do you need my help getting on?" She asked and I finally had a closer look at her and saw the small cuts and bruises on her face and neck. "Y/n?"

"Uh no. I got it." I said hoarsely as I assumed I was passed out for a few hours. I then made my way to the wheelchair and noticed how my back hurts the most.

Once I got on Nat pushed me out of the room and into the hallway. I was fidgeting with how I sat and just decided to lean forward so that nothing would touch my back and cause more pain.

"You suffered second-degree burns on your back. The doctors were surprised it wasn't third-degree burns but I guess your vest took most of the damage." Nat informed me as if she read my mind.

"You also have multiple lacerations on your back and head from shards of glass that were flying around because of the explosion. So after visiting Gisele, you should rest so it wouldn't get worse or an infection."

I didn't respond to her as I assessed the pain level in my body. I know I should be just lying down and resting because of the pain. But because I have a higher tolerance I could probably get back to work after a few hours of rest if it was really necessary.

As we turned right we saw Toby and Ria outside of the room which Ele was probably in. Before any of them saw us Nat stopped and faced me.

"Look, I may not know exactly what you're thinking but it's not your fault. Ele getting hurt is not your fault, y/n. You can't save everybody." She told me with a serious expression and looked into my eyes as if she was seeing right through me.

Why couldn't you choose me?

Ele's question suddenly lingered in my head and I hung my head low and balled up my fist at the feeling of guilt.

"Let's just go. Please." I said softly and heard her sigh and move back behind me. She then pushed me forward and I finally looked up when I heard footsteps approaching us.

"Boss! What are you doing here?" Toby said as Ria moved in front of him and kneeled in front of me so we would be level.

Ria then gently pulled me in for a hug. "You're drowning in guilt y/n. I can see it on your face." She whispered in my ear and I hugged her tighter as my tears were starting to water.

"We're here for you. Everyone's still here. You haven't lost anyone." Ria reassured me and I bawled in her arms. Unaffected by the stares some patients or staff gave us. I just cried as I was feeling too much emotion.

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