Chapter 46

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Y/n's POV

"You're telling me that guy is the real bomber?" Agent Ross asked sarcastically as he smiled and chuckled, finding the notion preposterous. "I'm sorry but does that guy look like Barnes to you?" He asked as pulled up the picture of the bomber and showed everyone.

"Well does he look like the psychiatrist you called?" I asked which got him to shut up as I continued looking at the screen that showed a confined Zemo in the same cell that Barnes was in but in a different room.

I have been watching him for a while now as I try to piece everything together.

Zemo has a motive to destroy the Avengers because of what happened to his family in Sokovia which was on one of the files I read before. Rumlow was mostly motivated to destroy and kill Rogers which was also in one of the files I read.

Having the both of them act now just days after each other was too much for a mere coincidence.

"She got you there Agent Ross." T'challa said as he handed me the fake face that Zemo used and was being passed around.

And then there's this.

I then lift the fake face that Zemo used earlier. It's too perfect— too complicated to replicate that Zemo needed the right people and resources. But he couldn't have gotten those without raising any flags with our operatives.

"Sir?" An unknown voice called out and every one of us looked to the agent by the door who excused himself and headed straight to Agent Ross to whisper something

As we all waited for them to finish whispering at each other, Tony pulled up files from a report minutes ago by the CIA which showed the real psychiatrist found dead in a hotel bathroom.

"Mr. Stark, we would appreciate it if you refrain from accessing our database if you don't want your very own cell like they have." Agent Ross quickly said as he tried to put down the images of the deceased doctor off the screen while Tony just raised his hands in defeat.

"Alright. I can buy that Zemo did all of this but why? Why put the blame on Barnes, huh?" Agent Ross asked in a tone that sounded like he was still doubtful of Zemo's involvement in all of this.

"Well, we can't know that unless he starts talking." Rogers stated the obvious as he nodded towards the screen which showed an agent asking Zemo some questions while strapped to a lie detector.

"What's the use of a lie detector if they're not going to answer? Doesn't the CIA have some truth serum that we could use or something?" Tony asked as he plopped down on his seat and looked bored at the whole situation

"You don't need a truth serum." I said which garnered everyone's attention. "You just need to give them a motivation to talk." I continued as I swiftly grabbed the agent's gun from his holster.

The agent quickly tried to grab his gun from me but I moved my hand quickly and hit the back of his knees which made him stumble to the ground.

"Agent L/N"

"Y/N, wait!"

"This should be fun."

Ross, Rogers, and Tony said simultaneously as I ignored them and headed outside the room while Natasha followed me without skipping a beat.

"Let her go." I heard T'challa say as I looked back and saw him blocking the way of Agent Ross.

"Are you going to kill him?" Natasha asked as she walked beside me towards the holding cell of Zemo. "I don't know." I said honestly as I was still weighing in the value of his life and his information compared to my need to avenge Elle.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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