Meeting The Prince

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The Dwarves and Hobbit traveled through Mirkwood, trying to find the path before running into the Woodland Elves. Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood, heard crying near where he stood. He reached for his bow and cautiously walked towards a willow tree where the crying came from. Once the Prince reached the tree, he quickly turned to the other side, surprised to see a little girl with a large cut on her leg.

But what surprised him more was the ring on her finger. The girl glanced up at him and stopped crying. Legolas studied the girl, her brown shoulder-length hair tangled in a mess, her gray eyes red from the tears that stained her white skin. "Who are you?" she asked.

Legolas lowered his bow and tilted his head at her, "I believe I should be asking that question." He commanded. The girl flinched under his icy stare. Legolas then realized that he frightened her even more. Legolas sighed, slowly walked to the girl, and bent down till he was eye-to-eye with her, "Legolas." The girl stared at the Elf, "Legolas?" She repeated. The blonde Elf nodded, "Nice to meet you." She smiled. Legolas returned the smile, "How old are you?" "Eight." She answered. Legolas was shocked. How did an eight-year-old end up in the woods?! Legolas' thoughts were interrupted when the girl hissed in pain. The Elf looked down at her leg. "Let's get you bandaged up so it doesn't get infected." Legolas stood up with the girl in his arms and headed to the kingdom.

The girl thought to herself as the Elf carried her in his arms, "Legolas? Why does that name sound familiar?" She pondered to herself.

Once Legolas reached the gates, the girl's arms gripped tighter and hid her face between his neck and shoulder. Legolas walked up to the gate and called out, "Open up! I found her injured!" The gates opened up, and Legolas went through. The Prince noticed his father stand before him, "Why have you brought a mortal human to the kingdom Legolas?" He asked, "You know she is not allowed here." Legolas opened his mouth to reply, but a slight noise caught the King and Legolas' attention. The girl was crying, "It hurts! It hurts!" she cried out. The King steps forward and notices the blood leaking from her wounded leg down his son's arms.

"Get her in the infirmary quickly!" The King shouts. Legolas quickly ran down the halls of the kingdom and into the infirmary. He gently laid her down on the bed and promptly grabbed bandages. The girl kept crying and tried to curl into a ball, but the King, Thranduil, who followed close behind, grabbed her arms and held her down. "Let go! It hurts!" She screamed. Legolas quickly held her leg down, struggling as she kicked and squirmed. Finally, the King rips the leg of her odd jeans so both the King and Legolas can see the wound. Both elves gasped; the cut went from her thigh to her ankle. The King takes an elvish liquid and sticks it in a needle. "Hold her down, Legolas." The King ordered.

Legolas takes the girl's arms and holds her down. The King sticks the needle in her arm and drains the liquid down. She slows her struggles and goes limp, "L-Legolas..." The brown-haired girl whispers, then shut her eyes. "She's asleep." The King sighs, "Let's bandage her up, son." Legolas looks down at her face, "She looks peaceful." He whispered incoherently. The King turns his head to Legolas, "Tell me how you found her." Legolas glanced at the King and explained how he found her. "What about this ring?" the King asked. Earlier, as Legolas carried the girl in his arms, he asked her where she came across the ring, "I found it in my room. I picked it up, and suddenly I fell from the sky. I hit the trees and hurt my leg." She answered.

Thranduil hummed and gazed down at the girl, "I leave her in your charge, Legolas. She seems to be attached to you." Legolas nodded his head and gently draped a blanket over the girl. "Sleep, Willow maid," Legolas whispered once Thranduil left the room.

"Yes. Willow maid is what I will call you till you trust me enough to tell me your true name." Legolas thought to himself.


Legolas turns around to see a warrior elf stand next to the door, "There are intruders on the path, and the spiders are attacking!" The Elf spoke rapidly. Legolas sprinted out of the room, grabbing his bow. Tauriel joined his side, and a patrol of elves dashed out of the gate to stop the spiders and find out why the intruders dared enter their land. Legolas spots the spiders attacking a group of dwarves and quickly shoots the spiders down before pointing his arrow at the group leader. Thorin Oakenshield.

"Do not think I won't kill you, Dwarf. It will be my pleasure." Legolas hissed, glaring at the King under the Mountain.

"Help!" A dwarf calls out. Every head turns to see a spider drag the Dwarf away from them, "Kili!" Another dwarf shouts out in worry. Tauriel jumps down and kills the spider. Kili stood up and glanced behind him, "Throw me a dagger! Quick!" He shouts, watching a spider charge at him. "If you think I'm giving you... a weapon, Dwarf... you're mistaken!" Tauriel spun around and threw her dagger at the spider's head, killing it instantly. Kili faces the she-elf in awe, his eyes wide and lips parted slightly.

"Search them!" Legolas ordered, glaring at the Dwarves in hatred. Then, walking up to a red-bearded Dwarf, Legolas pulls out a frame from the Dwarf's pocket, "B'ey! Give that back! That's private!" The Dwarf growled. Legolas opens the frame to see two pictures, "Who is this? Your brother?"

"That is... my wife!"

Legolas glances at the other picture, "And what is this horrid creature? A Goblin-mutant?" The Dwarf's eyes widened, "That's my wee lad, Gimli." Legolas' brow went up, staring down at the Dwarf. Tauriel walks up to Legolas, and he faces her, "Are i spiders firn?" He asked. Tauriel returns her blade to the hilt, "Yes, but more will tul." Legolas glances at her with a frown. Tauriel whispers to him, "Hain are getting bolder."

One of the elves walked up to Legolas and presented him with an elvish blade. Taking the sword, Legolas lifted it in awe, "Hi na- an acient edhelen Blade." The Prince examines the sword, eyeing its design, "Forged bui nin kin." Then, he side-glances at Thorin Oakenshield and aims the blade at the Dwarf's neck, "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me."

"Not just a thief, but a liar as well." Legolas snarled and ordered the elves to take them. Marching back to the Elven Gate, Legolas turned his head around, feeling like something was there, but nothing could be seen. Shaking his head, the Prince entered the gate and made his way to where Willow Maid slept.

(Are the spiders dead)

(Yes but more will come)

(They are getting bolder)

(This is an ancient Elvish Blade. Forged by my kin)

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