The Way Is Shut

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While on the Dimholt Road, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Desert make their way up a gloomy canyon shadowed by black fir trees. The shadowed ridges of the Dwimorberg Mountain rise before them, making it feel spooky and eerie. "What kind of an army would linger in such a place?" Gimli finally questions, his eyes gazing at the dark trees.

Legolas looks around, his eyes wide, "One that is cursed... Long ago, the Men of the Mountain swore an oath to the last King of Gondor - to come to his aid, to fight, but when the time came when Gondor's need was dire, they fled... Vanishing into the darkness of the mountain... And so Isildur cursed them - never to rest until they had fulfilled their pledge."

Silence surrounds them, there are no birds, no wind. Only the ominously muffled thud of their horses' hooves on the dank fir needles. Before them, at the root of the Mountain, a sheer wall of rock towers. Desert grew nervous and tightened her grip around Legolas' waist. The Elf carefully takes his hand and gently rubs her arm around his torso, "N- brave mel nin, N- brave."

Gimli whispers, terrified, "The very warmth of my blood seems stolen away." Within the walls, a creepy dark door gapes like a mouth of night. The four jump off the horses, looking at the signs and figures that are carved above its wide arch. Legolas starts translating the written language, "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead, and the Dead keep it. The way is shut."

At that moment: a chill wind seems to rush out of the doorway. Aragorn stares into the blackness, his hair blowing wildly. The horses rear and 'buck' in terror, turning and galloping away.


The two horses disappear, but Aragorn turns resolutely towards the doorway, with steely resolve, "I do not fear death!" He starts walking into the blackness. Legolas grabs Willow Maid's hand, and quickly follows, swallowed by the darkness. Gimli left alone, hesitates, struggling with his fear, "Well, this is a thing unheard of... An Elf will go underground when a Dwarf dares not." He starts gritting his teeth, "Oh! I'd never hear the end of it!" Gimli plunges into the tunnel behind the others.

Following the Paths of the Dead Cavern, Aragorn leads the Elf, dwarf, and woman into a wide cavern. He waves his torch through the darkness, illuminating a huge cavern. A ghastly creaking noise, like stone being sundered, cuts through the silence. A ghostly figure steps from the rock walls, frightening Desert. She quickly grabs Legolas' arm as he, Aragorn, and Gimli look on in horror, as the Mummified Spectre looms before them.

Eyeless sockets, rotten teeth, a pale sickly glow. "The King of the Dead." Desert whispers. Fog swirls around as the ghost snarls at Aragorn, "Who enters my domain?" Aragorn moves forward unflinching, "One who will have your allegiance."

"The Dead do not suffer the living to pass."

Aragorn defiantly retorts back, "You will suffer me!" The King of the Dead's malevolent laugh echoes through the caves. The fog suddenly rolls back, forming a retreating wall of grey vapor; slowly, rank upon rank of spectral warriors are revealed. Ghoulish faces, rusting weapons, tattered banners. The fog reveals a dead army of many thousands; assembled around the cavern.

Aragorn stares grimly at the King of the Dead as he smiles evilly at Aragorn. Strider holds his gaze. The King of the Dead sends a chilling vibe down the spines of the fellowship, "The way is shut..." He moves relentlessly towards Aragorn, "It was made by those who are Dead, and the Dead keep it..."

The four hunters are now surrounded by an army of the dead. The ghost moves closer, "The way is shut. Now, you must die." Legolas steps in front of Desert and fires an arrow at the King of the Dead, watching as it passes straight through.

Aragorn keeps moving forward, his eyes locked on the specter, reasoning desperately, "I summon you to fulfill your oath!" The King of the Dead snarls and raises his deadly sword above Aragorn's head, giving a raspy yell, "None but the King of Gondor may command me!" Aragorn raises Anduril. With a terrifying shriek, the King of the Dead sweeps his sword toward Aragorn's head. Aragorn raises his sword in answer, making a low whistle as it sweeps through the air.


The blade of Anduril clashes with the spectral sword, the sharp ring of metal reverberates through the caverns. The King of the Dead stares at Aragorn in disbelief, "It cannot be - that line was broken!" Aragorn grabs the shocked ghost by the neck and holds the sharp blade against the ghost's throat, "It has been remade!"

Silence is heard throughout the caverns. Aragorn releases the King of the Dead and addresses the Ghost Army, "Fight for us and regain your honor!" The Ghostly faces stare hollow-eyed at Aragorn.

"What say you?"

Silence. Aragorn glances at the King of the Dead, "What say you?" Gimli felt his patience thinning, "Aghh! You're wasting your time, Aragorn! They had no honour in life, they have none now in death." Aragorn starts yelling, "I am Isildur's heir. Fight for me, and I will hold your oath fulfilled. What say you?"

The ghosts turn to each other and slowly nodded their heads. The King of the Dead raises his sword to Aragorn, "We say onto you, to the end!" The ghosts release a shriek and Aragorn turns to the other three, feeling proud of himself.

Willow grins at him, "We have a battle to go to."

(Be brave, my love, be brave)

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