12 Years Later

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Desert Cadell walked home from work one night, the chilling rain pouring down vigorously. Twelve years ago, she was pronounced missing for three days. Her father, Hudson Cadell, was happy to have her back in his arms. Her memory of Middle Earth seemed to have faded, but the dreams of the battle remained. All she remembered was icy blue irises staring at her before darkness descended.

Desert breathes through her nose deeply. Not remembering what happened has frightened her. A star-like scar on her chest has her confused and worried. She doesn't remember being hurt, nor whose eyes were staring back at her. Yet, the icy blue eyes did give her comfort whenever she dreamed of them. Whoever was in her dream stayed with her until she woke from slumber.

"Yawn!" Desert covers her mouth, feeling drowsy, once opening her front door. Tired as she thought, she wanted to go to bed and not wake up. Desert stumbles through the doorway and shuts the door as if she had too much to drink.

"Tathren seld..."

Desert jumps at the sound of a woman's voice. It sounded soft and eerie as it moved through the air. She had heard that voice before but couldn't place where. Desert searches the empty foyer and spots a shiny, round object. Cautiously, Desert approaches the thing to see it is a ring. A familiar ring that she hadn't seen since she was eight.

 A familiar ring that she hadn't seen since she was eight

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"Tathren seld..."

"Willow Maid..." Desert repeated, reaching for the object. She remembered the elvish language from the books and movies. The second her hand touched the ring, a flash of white blinds her. Desert covered her eyes, feeling nauseous, and instantly drifted into unconsciousness.

Desert groans and rolls on her back. Opening her eyes, the sun above her blinds her momentarily. She gasps and gazes at her surroundings. Green grass, hills, and fields surrounded her. "Where am I?" She looks down to see a black outfit on her and a bow with arrows by her feet. The ring on her finger shone bright in the sun.

"Gandalf. I'm glad you're back." A boy speaks. Desert spins to see a cart with a man and a small boy ride by. She grabs the bow; runs to the cart as the boy jumps off. The man waves, "So am I, dear boy! So am I." Desert runs behind the coach, "Gandalf!" She yells.

"Whoa!" Gandalf halts the cart and turns his head to see the young woman run up to him. Gandalf frowns at the woman, "Can I help you, madam?" A faint memory of Desert meeting Gandalf appears. A battle was happening, the Five Armies. Desert grins at the old wizard, "Gandalf, it's Desert Cadell."

The wizard's mouth opens in shock, "Willow Maid!?"

"Yes! Yes." She remembered now. She was here; she's back in Middle Earth. Desert jumps in the cart and hugs the wizard, who gladly returns it, "How are you, Desert? It has been a long time." Gandalf takes a good look at the young woman before him.

"I missed all of you!" Desert chirps excitedly, "How long since I last saw you?" Gandalf pats the seat next to him; Desert complies as the cart moves on, "It has been sixty years, Willow Maid." So he answers as the carriage travels through Bag-End. Desert hums, "And Legolas? How is he doing?"

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