Lady Galadriel

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The Fellowship crosses Dimrill Dale and enters the Woods of Lothlorien. Willow Maid had her head bowed, refusing to look at anyone. Legolas walks beside her, his hand barely touching her own.

"Stay close young hobbits! They say there's a great sorceress lives in these woods, an elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her, fall under her spell..." Gimli ushers the hobbits close to him. Desert glances behind her to see Frodo startled, looking around.

Gimli whispers, gazing at the trees, "... and are never seen again." Sam touches Frodo's shoulder, "Mr. Frodo?" The hobbit turns to acknowledge his friend.

"Well, here is one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox! Oh..."

With arrows notched, Lorien elves suddenly appear from behind the trees, aiming at them. The Fellowship stops and looks around, alarmed. Desert presses herself close to Legolas, grabbing his arm.

Haldir steps in front of Gimli, "The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark."


Aragorn moves in front of the Elf, "Haldir o Lórien. Henion aníron, boe ammen i dulu lîn. Boe ammen veriad lîn."

Gimli adverts his eyes around, "Aragorn, these woods are perilous! We should go back."

Haldir glares at the dwarf, "You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood. You cannot go back. Come, she is waiting."

The Fellowship arrives at Caras Galadhon. They ascend a winding stairway amongst the trees, towards the grand court of Galadriel and Celeborn. With a glow issuing forth from them, the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien descend to meet the Fellowship, hand in hand. Aragorn touches his head reverently in greeting.

Celeborn gazes at everyone, "Nine that are here yet ten there were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him."

Galadriel looks at Aragorn, reading the answer in his eyes, "He has fallen into shadow."

Galadriel turns her eyes to the others, "The quest stands upon the edge of a knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all."

Galadriel looks at Boromir who can't stand her gaze. He starts shaking and casts his eyes downwards, "Yet hope remains while the company is true."

Galadriel looks at Sam and smiles. Sam continues to gaze at her in awe, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight you will sleep in peace."

The Fellowship bows their heads in respect and enters an area that has been provided for them to rest in. The hobbits are settling down to rest. In the trees, the elves' singing can be heard.

"A Olorin i yaresse..."

"Mentaner i Numeherui..."

Legolas gazes around, holding a jug of water, seeming pensive, "A lament for Gandalf."

Merry sits up, "What do they say about him?"

Legolas turns to Merry, "I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near." Desert stands up and walks up to Legolas, her arm wraps around his own and smiles at him sadly.

"Tirien i Romenori..."

"Maiarion i Oiosaila..."

"Mana elye etevanne..."

"Norie i melanelye?"

Aragorn walks over to Boromir, who is seated alone on a great tree root. Desert moves away from the elf and to her spot on the soft grass.

Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now