Hunt For The Orcs

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Tauriel jumped off her horse and helped Willow come down, "Stay close to me, and if something happens, I want you to run." Willow nodded her head and trailed after Tauriel. The she-elf had her bow at the ready, taking in their surroundings. Then, glancing over her shoulder, Tauriel pulled out a dagger and gently handed it to Willow, "Here. Do not use it unless your greatest need." Willow gingerly held the blade at the handle, "Tauriel, where can I put this?" The she-elf giggles and holds out a hilt attached to a small belt. She takes the dagger, slips it in the grip, and ties the belt around Willow's waist, "There you go, Willow." Tauriel smiles, standing up straight.

The two traveled further up the slope where the sound of rushing water is heard. Tauriel reached the top and helped Willow Maid on the rock. There was a dead deer carcass on the rock in front of them and Willow Maid cringed at the sight. The girl gagged and turned her head away. Tauriel jumped over the bloody carcass and scanned the area, her hand slowly grazing the arrow on her bow, "Willow, get behind me." She whispered. Willow obeyed and hid behind Tauriel. In a swift motion, Tauriel aimed her bow at the direction they came from and was met with Legolas and his bow aimed as well.

Tauriel smirked, "Ni osanwe tye were an orc."

"If ni were an orc, tye would n-firnia." Legolas lowered his bow and steps up to the girls, "Tauriel... you cannot hunt thirty Orcs on your own. Willow come out from behind her." Willow listened and stood next to the she-elf.

"But I'm not on my own." Tauriel rested her hand on Willow's shoulder, but kept her eyes on Legolas. The Prince smirked and lifted Willow up to his hip, "You knew I would come. The King is angry... Tauriel. For six hundred years, my father has protected you, favored you. You defied his orders. You betrayed his trust. Tul- with nin, ho will dihen."

"But im cannot. If im glenn- back, im will never dihen- myself." Tauriel turns away from Legolas as he balances Willow on his side. Willow silently watched the elves speak in their language. The girl studied and felt the tension in the air. Legolas held on to her tightly as Tauriel spoke.

"The King has never let Orc filth roam our lands. Yet he would let this Orc pack cross our borders and kill our prisoners."

"It is not our fight." Legolas pointed out, making Tauriel turn to him with a frown, "It is our fight. It will not end here. With every victory, this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls... live our lives away from the light, and let darkness descend. Are we not part of this world? Tell me, mellon. When did we let evil become stronger than us?" Tauriel has made her point across and glances at Willow.

"You know that this girl arrived for a reason, Legolas. He na- naud bui amarth."

Willow Maid tapped Legolas on the shoulder, making him glance at her, "I want to help, Legolas. Please?" The Prince sighed, knowing that he couldn't send her back to the Woodland Realm. The King doesn't trust her for unknown reasons. The Prince gazes back and forth between the she-elf and child of man. Both girls had their eyes locked on him, daring to say no.

"Alright! Alright! You can come, but any sign of danger, you," He pokes Willow Maid's arm, "Leave the area."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Willow salutes to the Prince, making Tauriel cough, hiding her laughter. Willow jumped down from Legolas' arms and the three sprinted across the river to find the Orcs. Legolas made sure that Willow Maid stayed close to his side. Her hair flew in the air, but kept a steady breath. The Prince overheard his father speak to one of the guards after throwing Willow Maid in the dungeon. That she is a spy of the enemy, purposely hurting herself to gain their trust. Legolas refused to believe that; he felt comfortable around her for some reason. That she has a purpose, a mission to do in Middle-Earth.

Willow Maid started to wonder why she was brought to Middle-Earth. She is just a child, but for some reason, she felt like it is her fight to be with them. "Whatever my destiny is, I will find out what it is." Willow Maid pondered.

(I thought you were an Orc)

(If I were an Orc, you would be dead)

(Come with me, he will forgive you)

(But I cannot. If I go back, I will never forgive myself)

(She is bound by fate)

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