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Desert walked inside her tent after leaving Aragorn. She couldn't believe that Legolas kissed her, yet, she enjoyed it. As she sat down on her blanket, she looked up to see Gimli enter, "Lassie, are you alright?" The woman felt herself blush in embarrassment, "Uh... yes, Gimli. I am alright." The dwarf hums, "May I tell you a little secret? It's okay to say no."

"Does that depend on what it is you're going to tell me?" Desert raises a brow. Gimli shifts on his feet, "Good point." Willow Maid pats next to her, inviting the dwarf. Before Gimli can shuffle over and sit next to her, Aragorn pushes the flap to her tent open and glares at the dwarf, "Gimli!"


Aragorn frowns at him, "It is none of our business! Go!" Gimli huffs and leaves the tent. Desert raises a brow at Aragorn, "What's none of your business?" The Ranger shuffles on his feet, "It's nothing, Willow Maid. Good night." He quickly closes the flap, leaving Desert in confusion, "Huh."

When morning came, Gamling and Háma rode through the crowds to scout ahead. They ride over the ridge, distracting Legolas, who is watching the horizon as they pass. Desert was riding a Rohirrim horse with Aragorn holding the reins; her eyes narrowed, knowing what was going to happen. She watched the two guards as they reached a tall formation of rocks, and their horses became uneasy. Gamling glances around nervously, "What is it? Háma?" Háma's eyes swiftly scanned the plains, "I'm not sure."

High atop the rocks, an Orc Warg Rider watches them. Suddenly, the rider charges down the rock face and attacks Háma. Caught off guard, Háma is knocked from his steed to the ground. He rolls over as the Warg bears down upon him. Aragorn and Éowyn look up to hear Háma's cries. Gamling draws his sword, yelling, "Wargs!"

The Warg throws Háma away and turns to Gamling. The two warriors clash their swords. Legolas leaps from his lookout point and fires an arrow, felling the Warg and throwing his rider to the ground. Aragorn hands Desert the reins and run atop the ridge. Legolas bears down on the Orc and slices his throat.

"A scout!"

Aragorn runs back down the hill to Théoden, who rides toward him. Théoden stops before him, "What is it? What do you see?" Aragorn points behind him, "Warg! We are under attack!" The crowd is instantly reduced to a blind panic; the people scream and turn back to Edoras. Aragorn makes his way through the crowd to Éowyn and his horse. Théoden turns back to the troops, "All riders to the head of the column!"

Gimli tries to mount Arod, "Come on. Get me up here. I'm a rider!" With some help, Gimli succeeds, "Come on!" He spurs the horse onward and almost falls off. Legolas runs across the plain to the top of another ridge, overlooking a vast plain, and over the next hill come a large number of Warg Riders, barking and kicking up dust as they ride.

Théoden rides to Desert and Éowyn, who is mounting her horse. Théoden stops them both, "You must lead the people to Helm's Deep and make haste." Éowyn shakes her head, "I can fight!"


Éowyn holds Théoden's gaze for a moment. Théoden continues, "You must do this... for me." He glances at Desert, "Go with her!" Reluctantly, Éowyn agrees and turns to the crowd. Théoden turns his horse to the battle. Desert watches for a moment, then turns the horse away from the battle, galloping to the crowd. "Follow me!" Théoden charges forward with the warriors following. Aragorn spurs Brego onward as he mounts. Arod, with Gimli on his back, walks backward.

Gimli struggles with the horse, "Forward. I mean, charge forward." Éowyn leads the people away from the battle, "Make for the lower ground!" Desert stayed on the outside, keeping an eye for any Orcs. Gimli finally succeeds in moving Arod forward and holds on unsteadily as the horse gallops, "That's it! Go on!"

Éowyn manages to get everyone moving in the same direction; she continues to rally them to her, "Stay together!" Desert pulls out her sword and stabs an oncoming Warg. The rider falls off and then quickly stands up, but before he can attack her, Willow Maid sprouts a thick tree root, making it drag the Orc down to the ground.

The Rohirrim Horsemen ride together under their standard up the hill to confront the Warg Riders. Aragorn turns for a final glance at Éowyn and the villagers. Éowyn turns for a final glance to Aragorn and the Horsemen; their eyes lock for a moment before Aragorn turns and heads for the battle.

The Horsemen ride up the hill into battle; atop the ridge, Legolas fires arrows into the ranks of the Warg Riders, hitting his mark each time. The Rohirrim ride over the hill, Legolas turns and joins Gimli on Arod. The two armies ride toward each other. Théoden and the Warg Commander give their armies the signal and clash on the field of battle. Riders are knocked from their mounts. Spears, arrows, teeth, and swords make contact, and the blood-thirsty Wargs maul fallen men and horses.

Desert follows the crowd, her mind playing the scene of the battle. She could imagine Gimli struggling with a Warg body and Aragorn accidentally adding weight on the poor dwarf. At the same time, Aragorn rides towards Gimli and snatches a spear from the ground, and skewers the Warg. It falls, adding to the weight Gimli is currently carrying. The dwarf moans in pain. Desert closes her eyes and felt her heart instantly ache in sorrow. He fell. Aragorn fell.

Gimli axes a fallen Warg and looks about. All over the plains, the Warg Riders are retreating, still being removed from this life by Rohirrim Horsemen. Legolas walks across the field, looking about in puzzlement, "Aragorn!" Gimli seems to notice Aragorn missing as well and looks about, worried, "Aragorn?"

Théoden also looks around amongst the men near him. Legolas and Gimli approach the drop-off; they look over the ground. Legolas looks up to an Orc, who is laughing rasply. Legolas and Gimli approach him. The dwarf holds his axe threateningly over Sharku's head, "Tell me what happened, and I will ease your passing." Sharku speaks with difficulty, "He's... dead." He laughs, "Took a little tumble off the cliff."

Théoden turns to the cliff as Legolas bends down and grabs Sharku by the shirt, "You lie." Sharku chortles and dies with a smile. Legolas roughly releases him, and something in the Orc's hand catches his eye. Legolas takes the item, realizing it is Aragorn's Evanstar Pendant. His expression changes to worry.

He quickly joins Théoden at the drop-off with Gimli close behind. Down the sheer cliff to the rushing water below, there is no sign of either the Warg or Aragorn. Legolas and Gimli desperately scan the ravine for Aragorn. Gamling runs up behind Théoden. The King turns to him, "Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead."

Gamling acknowledges and runs back to the ranks. Legolas looks at Théoden with an expression of perplexed anger. The King puts a comforting hand on the elf's shoulder. "Come." Théoden leaves Legolas and Gimli staring at the river. The elf looks at the Evanstar, not wanting to believe the truth. "Desert knows about what happens on the quest." Legolas looks up and turns away from the cliff with Gimli.

He has to ask her.

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