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Legolas, Willow, and Tauriel leave their horses and scramble up a rocky outcrop. They crouch behind some rocks at the top and see a fortress ahead. "Gundabad. What lies beyond?" Tauriel questions, glimpsing at Legolas. Willow sits between the elves, staring at the fortress as Legolas answers, "An old enemy - The ancient kingdom of Angmar. This fortress was once its stronghold. It is where they kept their great armories, forged their weapons of war."

A light flickers in a window of the fortress then disappears.

"A light! I saw movement." Tauriel whispers. Willow shrinks closer to the ground and feels a hand on her back, "We wait for the cover of night. It is a fell place, Tauriel. In another age our people waged war on those lands." Legolas warns, his hand gently rubbing the child's back, trying to offer some comfort that she somehow craved. Legolas pauses, looking pained. Tauriel looks at him.

"My mother died there. My father does not speak of it. There is no grave, no memory, nothing." He muttered. Willow sadly gazes at him and slowly moves to hug him. The Prince gives her a small smile and returns the hug.

Legolas has his arm around Willow's waist as they waited for nightfall. The girl felt drowsy, and her head slowly rests on the elf's shoulder. Tauriel watches as Legolas pulls the girl closer to him, "She didn't sleep well since the dragon attacked."

"I know." Legolas mutters as Willow falls into a light sleep. Tauriel turns her head to the fortress, "Did she tell you her name?" The Prince shakes his head, "I don't believe I have earned her trust, yet."

"I think you have, Legolas. You just have to ask."

"She told you her name then?" Legolas frowns at the She-Elf, waiting for an answer. "Eru." Tauriel answers, glimpsing at the sleeping form next to him.

"Desert? That is an interesting name for her." Legolas watches as the girl subconsciously moves closer to his chest.


Darkness reached, and Legolas gently nudged Willow awake. The girl sits up, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes as Tauriel mutters something. Suddenly, massive bats beings are screeching and flying around. Legolas has Willow against his chest as they press against the rocks, his hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming.

"Dúilith secherig." Tauriel gasps. Legolas glares at the bats, "These bats are bred for one purpose." Tauriel holds out her dagger, "For what?"

"For war." Legolas slowly releases Willow's mouth, and the three turn their heads to the fortress.

As the bats swarm overhead, a figure rides out on a Warg. It is Bolg, dressed for battle. He raises his mace and shouts out a command; trumpets sound, and gates at the bottom of the fortress open, releasing rank upon rank of massive orcs, each with a giant spear at least three times longer than the orcs' height. The massive company begins marching away, with the bats following and wheeling overhead.

"Din methithar i phain." Tauriel motions. Legolas leaps up to his feet, clutching Willow, "Penim lû. Tolo!" They sprinted to the horses and quickly hopped on. Moving rapidly, the Elves and Willow make their way back to the Laketown campsite.

As Bolg yells out a command, the ranks of Orcs part to let smaller, lighter, and faster Orcs run ahead of their companions, snarling.


(They are swarming)

(We must warn the others)

(We may be too late - hurry)

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