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Legolas held Willow Maid's hand and raised his finger to his mouth, signaling her to remain silent. Tauriel scouted ahead to see a pack of orcs sneak into a house. "Willow Maid, stay close. It might get a bit rough." Legolas whispered. Willow nodded her head but felt that something had gone wrong. Moving swiftly on the wooden floor of Laketown, the sound of screaming could be heard.

Legolas grabbed his bow and fired arrows at the Orcs as Tauriel moved like a tornado, stabbing the orcs in the neck and killing them instantly. Once the elves slaughtered the orcs, a boy and two girls crawled out from under a table. "You killed them all..." The boy spoke, turning his attention away from the dead creatures and the elves. Legolas pushed Willow into the house, "There are others. Tauriel, come." Tauriel glances between Legolas and the three Dwarves in the home. The black-haired archer, Kili, was screaming in pain from his wound.

"We're losing him!" The older Dwarf worryingly faces the she-elf. Kili's brother, Fili, helped lift his brother onto the bed. Willow grabbed Legolas' arm, and the two locked eyes, "I'm coming with you!" She begged.

Legolas shook his head, "No, you're staying here, Willow. Tauriel." The Prince pushes Willow away from him and glances at Tauriel before running outside. Once he disappeared, Tauriel began to follow but stopped as a Dwarf, Bofur, ran in front of her, "Athelas." Tauriel whispers, spotting the plant in Bofur's hand, and takes it from him, "Athelas." She holds the plant close to her chest, and Bofur puzzlingly stares at her, "What are you doing?" He asked confusingly. "I'm going to save him," Tauriel answered. Willow kept her eyes on the shrinking figure of the Mirkwood Prince; her arms crossed in anger.

Tauriel turns around as Kili screams in pain. Willow turns around after Legolas disappears; her eyes flare in outrage. The She-Elf glimpses at the young girl, "Willow, I would need your help." The young girl grits her teeth and rushes to Tauriel's side, "Yes?"

"Grab that bowl, fill it with water," She points to a small bowl and turns to the dwarves, "Hold him down." Willow fills the bowl with water and sets it next to the Elf. Kili yells out as Tauriel chants an elvish spell, crushing the soaked athelas against his leg. The injured dwarf relaxes and stares at the elf. Tauriel bandages his leg as Willow stands to the side.

Why couldn't he take her with him? The eight-year-old huffs in irritation, "Why do I have to stay here?" She mutters quietly. Tauriel faces the girl to see her eyes facing the door. She studies the girl, her body stiff, arms crossed over her chest, and her eyes dangerously furious. The She-Elf sighs and steps next to the girl, "Willow, he is trying to keep you safe." She assures.

Willow takes a deep breath through her nose, "And what happens if something bad occurs?" Tauriel drapes her arm over the girl, "I am here, Willow. Nin hen, I will help to protect everyone in this home, including you." Willow gazes at the elf with a small smile, "Desert." Tauriel frowns, "Hmm?"

"My name is Desert Cadell." The girl answers.

Tauriel returns the smile, "Well, a proper hello is in order. It is a pleasure to meet you, Desert."

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Tauriel." Desert chuckles.


Willow Maid snaps her head to the window in worry, "What was that!?" Bells chimed, and the town screams. Tauriel grabs Desert's arm just as the shadow of the great dragon flies by. The young girl whimpers in fear, "We're going to die." The elf shakes her head, "No we won't."

The elf steps outside to see the dragon start spreading fire to the homes. She enters the house and prepares the dwarves and the children to leave, "We have no time. We must leave!" Bofur and Fili walked up to Kili, "Get him up."

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