For Frodo

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Aragorn and Co. watch as they are surrounded by a tide of Orcs. The Ranger raises Anduril in the broad sweep as he walks forward. The Eye of Sauron speaks in his mind, "Aragorn..." Legolas and Desert hold their bows tightly, glaring at the surrounding army. The dwarves of Erebor hold up their swords, waiting on command. Thorin holds the Goblin Cleaver tightly. His eyes watch every movement.

Aragorn turns to face the others. Quiet resolve is written on his face as he looks into the eyes of the remaining members of the Fellowship. The future King locks eyes with Willow Maid, softly speaking, "For Frodo..." He turns, sword raised, and charges forward. There is a moment of silence, and no one else moves. Suddenly, a shout goes up, and the two hobbits charge forward. The rest of the Men follow, with Aragorn crashing head-on into a line of Orcs.

The blade of Anduril is flashing as Aragorn hacks at Orcs. The battle between the Orcs and the alliance of Men, Dwarves, and Elves rages on. From Mordor, high overhead, the Nazgul fly out into the fray. Desert fires arrow after arrow, standing a few feet from Legolas, Gimli, and Aragorn. Instantly, the army is startled at the sound of a hideous screech that rends the air.

Gandalf looks up to see a Nazgul diving straight toward him. His eyes flicker as a small moth flutters across his line of sight. Desert fires more arrows, knowing that the giant Eagle, Gwahir, has arrived.

Desert's POV:

I could hear Pippin shout out about the Eagles, "Eagles... The Eagles are coming! The Eagles are coming!" I shot another arrow at an Orc, then moved to my sword. Tauriel joined my side with her daggers, and we started killing any Orc that dared to approach us. With every Orc that I stabbed or sliced their head off, I silently counted, "Ninety-nine, one-hundred..." Tauriel gasped as an Orc whacked her away.

"Tauriel!" Kili shouts out in anger and worry. I jumped back as an Orc nearly stabbed me in the arm. I knew that Frodo had been seen, for the Nazgul turned to Mount Doom. I realized too late I was distracted by the Nazgul that I didn't notice the Orc right behind me.

"DESERT! BEHIND YOU!" Legolas shouted somewhere around me.

I spun around but didn't block the dagger in time. The cold blade pierced my abdomen deeply, and a sharp gasp escaped my lips. I raise my eyes to see Legolas, Thorin, and Tauriel staring in disbelief and shock fifty feet away from me.

"Cin cannot bel-, tathren seld. Pull ha ed-, cheb- fighting."

"DESERT!" The three shouted at once.

I narrowed my eyes and turned my head to the Orc, who seemed pleased with what he did, and slowly straightened up, pulling the dagger out. The Orc's ugly grin drops, his eyes staring in disbelief. I felt my powers heal my body and felt the ground tremble under my feet. I took off my ring, and my Willow Maid dress reappeared on me.

The three watched in awe as I summoned a tree under the Orc, flinging it out of my sight

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The three watched in awe as I summoned a tree under the Orc, flinging it out of my sight. Suddenly, an armoured troll wielding an enormous mallet confronts Aragorn, knocking him down. I instantly turn my head, "Aragorn!" Aragorn turns to see huge troll feet moving closer. Legolas races toward him.


The huge foot of the cave troll lands on Aragorn's chest, and he stabs at it ineffectually. I summon roots, trees, and vines, wrapping them around the troll. The large creature roars, struggling to break free from its grasp. Summoning as much power as I could, I flung it across the battlefield, killing a large number of Orcs. Legolas takes Aragorn's hand and helps him back to his feet.


On the battlefield, all eyes turn to Mount Doom. The cave troll, distracted by the sounds emanating from Mordor, turns in terror and runs off. The Fellowship turns to watch as the massive Dark Tower of Sauron shakes itself to pieces. The Towers fall, and walls crumble; vast spires of smoke and spouting steam billow up.

The foundations explode apart, and the Black Gates collapse in a huge cloud of ash. The Orcs are fleeing in all directions. I glared and quickly used my powers to knock the Orcs down, forcing them back to Mordor. As the very foundations of Mordor collapse, everyone watches as Mount Doom explodes. Pippin and Merry began to cry; the reason for their misery was clear. I watch as they believe that Frodo and Sam can never survive the cataclysm. I walked over to Legolas and took his hand.

"They are alive."

I noticed in the corner of my eye to see everyone else looked at me strangely. Gandalf took a step forward, "Desert?" I turned to them, "They are alive. Take Gwahir and see for yourself." Gandalf nods and summons the Great Eagle. Legolas intertwines his fingers against mine, "You scared me."

"I'm sorry, mellon nin-" I began to apologize but was instantly cut off by his lips against mine. My eyes widened in shock, but I returned the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, suddenly lost in bliss. I could hear Aragorn chuckling and saying something to Tauriel and Thorin quietly, "They've liked each other for a long while."

I pulled back from Legolas and stared deeply into his eyes, "I love you..."

"I know you do."

Tauriel was grinning at us, and Thorin softly chuckling. Gimli walks up to us with a grin, "You finally admit. Great! Now..." He pauses for a moment. I knew what he wanted to say and hear.

"Sixty-nine..." He whispered, making Legolas and I grin. "Ninety-four." Legolas answered. I giggled, then full-on laughed, "Want me to include the ones the troll landed on?"

Gimli rolls his eyes, "Go ahead, lassie."

"One-hundred and thirty-nine."

Legolas wraps his arms around my waist, "Pick a prize, Mel nin." I turn my head to him, "I have one." I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss, "That is my prize." I whispered.

(You cannot die, Willow Maid. Pull it out, keep fighting)

(My love)

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