Aragorn Returns

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Aragorn is riding atop Brego in the plains of Rohan. He stops on a ridge overlooking the plains, worried. Still far off in the distance, the massive Uruk-Hai army marches in files towards Helm's Deep. The black lines of troops stretch beyond eyesight. Aragorn is speechless and scared, pulls Brego back, and gallops as fast as he can handle to Helm's Deep.

Aragorn and Brego reach the hillock overlooking the wide plains before Helm's Deep, nestled in the mountain. The Ranger smiles and pats Brego, "Mae carnen, Brego, mellon nîn." Aragorn gallops up the walk into Helm's Deep, past the people, who are amazed to see him alive. A soldier approaches and takes charge of Brego as Aragorn dismounts. Gimli fights his way through the crowd, shouting, "Where is he? Where is he? Get out of the way! I'm gonna kill him!"

Gimli looks upon Aragorn in amazement and smiles broadly, "You are the luckiest, the canniest, and the most reckless man I ever knew!" He embraces Aragorn, and the Ranger accepts his friend's affection. "Gimli, where is the king?" Aragorn asks, looking down at his friend. Gimli nods to the hall. As Aragorn walks through the people, he meets Legolas and Desert, who block his path. Legolas looks at him, amused, "Le ab-dollen."

They smile. Legolas gives Aragorn a once-over and frowns, "You look terrible." Aragorn and Desert laugh. The woman gently bumps the elf's shoulder, "Legolas. He always looks terrible."

Éowyn is tending to one of the people and turns, overjoyed to see Aragorn returned. She moves to him but pauses to see Legolas handing Aragorn a necklace. Aragorn hands up his hand to reveal that Evenstar has been returned to him. Éowyn's smile fades. Aragorn looks at Legolas and Desert in reverent happiness and nods with appreciation, "Hannon le."

Théoden sits on his throne with Gamling at his side

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Théoden sits on his throne with Gamling at his side. The door sounds, and they turn to it and see Aragorn standing before them. Théoden, taking in Aragorn's story, paces the floor, "A great host, you say?" Aragorn crosses his arms, "All Isengard is emptied."

"How many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least."

Théoden turns to Aragorn, incredulous and in disbelief, "Ten thousand?" Aragorn replies in a grim tone, "It is an army bred for a single purpose... to destroy the world of Men." Théoden attempts to fathom Aragorn's bombshell and shows real fear. Aragorn grimly completes the bad news, "They will be here by nightfall." Théoden turns away slowly, considering. Finally, he walks resolutely from the hall, "Let them come!" Desert and Legolas were standing to the side quietly. Gimli puffed from his pipe, "Out-numbered..."

Aragorn sighs through his nose. Willow Maid glances at the Ranger and makes her way toward him, "There is still hope." The man frowns at her words, "How can there be hope, Desert?" Legolas walks up, "She knew that you were alive and would be here."

"And what will happen tonight." Desert added.

Later, at Helm's Deep Battlements, Théoden, and Gamling walk down the stairs, followed by Desert, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. Théoden is speaking to Gamling, "I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms to be ready for battle by nightfall." He dismisses Gamling, and he and the four hunters continue on to stand just outside the main gate. Théoden stands outside the gate on the stone pathway leading into Helm's Deep, addressing his plan, "We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the Deeping Wall or set foot inside the Hornburg!"

Gimli stands bored against the gate, "This is no rabble of mindless Orcs." The King turns to Gimli, almost surprised to hear from him. Gimli continues, "These are Uruk-Hai. Their armor is thick, and their shields broad." Théoden stands tall before the dwarf, "I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own Keep." Théoden walks back into the Keep. Desert, Aragorn, and Legolas walk past Gimli, who appears to have been put off.

The four hunters catch up to the King as he leads them across the battlements of Helm's Deep, overlooking the expansive plains. "They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn. We've seen it before. Crops can be resown; homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them." Théoden spoke, gesturing around them. Desert follows Théoden closely, "They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people... down to the last child."

Théoden turns quickly to Desert and draws her close. Théoden quietly but angrily responds back, "What would you have me do? Look at my Men. Their courage hangs by a thread." Aragorn looks away, ashamed at the soldiers, but Desert calmly holds his gaze. Théoden continues, "If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance." Théoden walks away. Aragorn pleads with Théoden, "Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid."

Théoden turns to Aragorn, drawing close again. With a doubtful tone, Théoden gestures his head to Legolas and Gimli, "And who will come? Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead." Desert puts her hands on her hips, "Gondor will answer." Théoden angrily turns his head to her, "Gondor?! Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us?! Where was Gon--?" Théoden recollects himself. He looks into Aragorn's eyes, "No, my Lord Aragorn... we are alone."

Théoden turns away again. Aragorn looks after him, nodding as Théoden walks up the steps to the hall, followed closely by Gamling. Théoden speaks to Gamling, "Get the women and children into the caves."

"We need more time to lay provisions--"

Théoden curtly cuts him off, "There is no time. War is upon us." Théoden and his staff enter into the hall. High overhead, a flock of crows gathers. Desert glances at the three males, "I'm helping you. I'm not going to sit on my bum in a cave while you kill yourselves."

Legolas inwardly groans, recognizing that tone in her voice. The same tone she used in Laketown. Aragorn looked ready to protest, but the elf quickly raised his hand, stopping his friend, "Don't argue with her. She's going to help either way."

"Théoden won't like that." Aragorn spoke.

"He won't even know." Desert smirked.

(Well done, Brego, my friend)

(You're late)

(Thank you)

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